Saturday, October 6, 2018

Shunya (Nothingness)-void

Shunya (Nothingness)-void

Sham S. Misri
Lal Ded was a great Yogi, a true Shaiva follower. In her wanderings, through the space she observed big black holes and deep fissures. She cautions all the spiritual saints daring to undertake such an adventure, to travel through the space that they must avoid dangerous routes and move ahead with care. The black holes are objects in the space, which are so dense and gravitationally strong that neither matter nor light can escape them. However, energy is released, as matter plunges into the hole’s deep gravity well.
Loob maarun sahaz vyatsaarun, Dro'g zaanun kalpan traav;
Nishi chuy tay duur mo gaarun, Shuunyas shuunyaah miilith gav.
In the above vakh she says: “Realization is rare indeed; seek not afar; it is near, by you. First slay Desire, and then still the mind, giving up vain imaginings; then meditate on the Self within, And lo! The void merges in the Void. Lalleshwari had attained the highest goals of spirituality. She says that concentration on the Lord’s name and meditating on one’s real self is the key to get rid of the worldly desire. She had a clear imagination that achieving the status of being one with the Lord was not so hard for everyone who wanted to reach there. The main hurdle in the achievement of spiritual goals is one’s own incapacity. Lalleshwari has a clear message for a simple devotee ---- your Lord is nearer to you than everything else! Never imagine Him to be far from away! Just keep under control the fiery body emotions. There is no need to seek Him anywhere else. He is there inside your loving heart. The individual soul is an essential part of the supreme. Once it achieves the essential realization of self, it takes a swift flight to meet the Lord and become one with Him. Atma becomes one with Paramatma. Shunya merges with the absolute. Human being loses its personal identity and becomes one with the Lord. All duality between the ordinary soul and the supreme soul is finished. Lalleshwari had attained this experience and there was nothing further unattainable for her.
“Shuniya” or a “zero point”  is where the mind become still and you become the observer. This way you are not the ripple of the waves, but stillness in the depths of the ocean. Shuniya is a deep, meditative state of consciousness where the 'separate' self-identity softens into stillness. This state of being is so pure and clear that it is often referred to as a state of 'zero'. In Shuniya, the greater aspect of 'Self', or the 'higher self', is available and the experience of oneness is realized. The characteristics of Shuniya are inbuilt. The features of shuniya are graceful, soulful, neutral, sensual, accepting, and allowing. There is no judgment, expectation, opinion, pushing, or intellectualism. It is a pure form of love. In this state of consciousness, the Infinite is in charge and what happens is limitless.
The Masters of Kundalini Yoga, say that the highest state of consciousness is called ’Shuniya’, where the ego is brought to complete stillness. A power exists there. We do not hassle or try to act. With folded hands of devotion, Infinity acts for us. In that state of “zero,” if we can focus our mental projection on a clear intention, which acknowledges our higher self and the Creator within us, it will be so.
There is no miracle. The mind is infinite when it concentrates the magnetic energy of the psyche. There are only two things: energy and matter. Any composition, permutation of any energy into matter and matter into energy, can be caused by a disciplined mental concentration. That mental concentration is in you, it is not outside.
Gurus precheome sassi latey, Yas nu kenh vanan tas kyah naav.
Pritschaan pritschaan thachis tu loosis,Kenh nas nishi  kyaahtaam draav.

In the above vaakh, Lalla says I requested my spiritual guide, a thousand times, with consciousness: "He that is nameless, how that nameless is named?” Since the curiosity to know is a worship of higher order, it implies a belief in the existence of higher power, without which there could be no worship. It was by gradual process of thought that Lal Ded wanted to become conscious of a new force, for establishing the identity of the Lord. As her soul was in anguish she asked and asked till she became tired, mute and silent. Lo! The nameless non-existent and invisible became the source of her realization. This is the beginning of her awakening in spiritual bliss that paved way to enter into the realm of ecstasy, and, that resulted in the realization of ‘something evolved out of nothing.’ It was all puzzling but great and wonderful. The Guru directed her in seeing that Nameless within self.
The vakh clearly state that when Lal Ded asked her master (Guru) a thousand times what the name of the nameless was and when she had exhausted enquiring repeatedly, she suddenly got awakened to the truth of her enquiry. The truth that was revealed to her was that the ultimate goal of man was only to be one with the universal void (Shunya). The truest truth of the universal Lord is His nothingness. The truth of the total realization of man is getting lost in this sea of nothingness and becoming an indivisible part of the whole.
Again, in another vakh:
Shunyuk maidaan kodum paanas, Mye lalli, roozum na bodh na hosh;
Vezuyi sapnis paanay  paanas, Adu kami hilli pholli lalli pamposh!
Here Lalla says: “I travelled far beyond in the space, leaving behind me reason and sense. Then, came upon the secret of the Self; All on a sudden, I experienced a feeling of strange delight. I suddenly lost the entire intelligence, in the bliss of ecstasy. I started realizing my own true spirit rising to the heights of spiritual kindness.”
Lalla says: “I travelled alone extensively the higher reaches of my Lord’s influence. The sights and scenes were so enchanting that I lost my conscience. But soon I was awakened to the delicate secrets of my inner self. Thus I Lalla with such a humble background was escorted into the crowning glory of celestial emancipation.”
Shunya is a broader concept of the Supreme Lord. It is not anyway comparable to nothingness in its ordinary sense, because, it holds in its purview the whole cosmos as an influence of the Lord. Lalleshwari was a highly awakened soul who had achieved all the goals of divinity. In the ecstasy of her achievement she says she toured the extensive fields of Shunya, the Lord’s influence during her celestial journey so much so that she lost all the consciousness of her body sensations but soon upon gaining the awakening of her real self she gained the greatest satisfaction. The achievement is beautifully compared by Lalleshwari to the lovely blossom of a lotus field on the muddy surface of wet lowland which indicates her down to earth background and her subsequent achievement high up into the skies.
Shuniya is not some fancy mysterious yogic term. Through meditation, we can train our minds to respond with a steady consciousness instead of reacting from fluctuating emotions. Through meditation we can reach that still point where we merge with the Infinite and create our own extensive reality. Miracles are developed in the soil of Shuniya.

Friday, April 6, 2018

What are the “beetle” and the “blue” in: Beetle kill blue pine?

What are the “beetle” and the “blue” in: Beetle kill blue pine?

Sham S. Misri
When the mountain pine beetle attacks a pine tree it’s got an assistant, an accomplice in the blue stain fungus travelling with the beetle inside what silviculturists call “ a special structure in the beetle’s mouthparts.”
That’s how the fungus gets from tree to tree. What does the fungus do for the beetle in this classic example of symbiosis?
When a pine tree is attacked it produces a protective resin. The fungus works to stop that, allowing the beetle to wreak havoc and lay eggs. The fungus also serves the beetle by creating resin free environment for eggs and larvae. If that is not enough, adults and larvae use the fungus as a food source.
Source: Forest Business Network.

The Three Companions

The Three Companions

Sham S. Misri
Every year cholera visited a very big city . Her companions were always Death and Fear. One year it so happened that Fear came before Death and Cholera, and the gate-Keeper, who did not Know her, let her go into the city.
When the other two appeared before the gate of the city, the watch man called angrily, “So! You come again to bring sorrow and misery, do you? And how many victims are you going to take this time, cursed Cholera?’’
“Don’t carry on so,’’ Cholera said. “ l won’t take more than five hundred.”
“And you, dreadful Death,” the gate -keeper cried, turning to her, “How many people are you going to take out of city to your kingdom?”
“Oh I’ll take whatever cholera gives me,” Death answered quietly.
“Well,” the gate-keeper muttered, “go in. But watch out, Cholera. “Don’t take more than five hundred victims. You’ve promised? And you, Death, don’t you dare to take more than what Cholera gives you!”
“Gate- keeper,” they said together, “you can rely on our word.” And side by side they passed through the open gate into the city.
Three long weeks they remained there and then they called to the gate- keeper to open the gates again.
“Hum,” the gate – keeper muttered,” how many victims do you take, Cholera?”
“I did my best not to go beyond the promised number,” Cholera answered. “And so l am taking not more than four hundred and ninety.”
“Now, that sounds as if you’re telling the truth,” the gate – keeper said.
He turned towards Death. “And you Death, how many are you taking with you?”
“Oh, I’m taking more than a thousand with me,” Death answered at once.
The gate- keeper was horrified. “How can that be ?” he cried in astonishment. “Cholera herself said she’s taking only four hundred and ninety !”
“Yes,” Death answered, “that’s what Cholera is taking. But most of those who died were taken by Fear, who came unnoticed through your gate. One day you’ll know, old man, that our sister Fear does more harm and causes more deaths than cholera!”

Saturday, March 31, 2018

How do mother animals know their own babies ?

How do mother animals know their own babies ?

Sham S. Misri
Hundreds of baby lamb live with their mother in large flocks. Each lamb seems exactly like all the others. But a mother sheep knows the difference. No matter how many lambs there are in the flock, she can always pick out her own baby, because it has its own particular odor. The minute a lamb is born, the mother sniffs at it. From then on, she remembers exactly how it smells. Deer, buffaloes, cats, dogs and many other animal mother know their babies by smell. A mother penguin knows her own chick. Dozens of chicks stay together in a group while the grown- up birds go fishing in the ocean for foods. When a mother gets back , she waddles through the whole hungry crowds of babies and refuses to feed any but her own. people who study penguins are not quite sure, but they think the mother and father both recognize their baby voice and also its particular shape and size. A baby penguin seems to recognise its parents’ voice. When its mother or father calls, it comes running. When a baby chick or duck hatches, it usually sees first of all the big dark shape of its mother. From then on, it recognizes that shape and follows it . But if ducklings happen see a dog’s shape first, they will follow dog around just as if it were their mother. They will even follow a large stout scientist who is experimenting with ducks- if they see him first!

Ali Khoja and Merchant of Baghdad

Ali Khoja and Merchant of Baghdad

In the reign of Haroun-ul-Rashid, there lived in Bagdad a merchant named Ali Khoja. He was a bachelor and was contented with the modest profits produced by his trade. He had spent some years quite happily in the house his father had left him. One night he dreamt that an old man had appeared to him, and reproached him for having neglected the duty of a good Muslim, in delaying his pilgrimage to Mecca. Ali Khoja was much troubled by this dream, as he was unwilling to give up his shop, and lose all his customers.
Finally, he resolved to go on a journey to Mecca. The first thing he did was to sell his furniture and the wares he had in his shop. The only matter he could not settle satisfactorily was the safe custody of a thousand pieces of gold which he wished to leave behind him.
After some thought, Ali Khoja hit upon a plan. He took a large vase, and placing the money in the bottom of it, filled up the rest with olives. After corking the vase tightly down, he carried it to one of his trusted friends and told him:
"My brother, you have probably heard that I am going to Mecca. I have come to ask whether you would do me the favor to keep this vase of olives for me till I come back?"
The merchant replied readily, "Look, this is the key of my shop: take it, and put the vase wherever you like. I promise that you shall find it in the same place on your return."
A few days later, Ali Khoja mounted the camel that he had laden with merchandise, joined the caravan, and arrived in due time at Mecca. Like the other pilgrims he visited the sacred Mosque, and after all his religious duties were performed, he set out his goods to the best advantage, hoping to gain some customers among the passers-by.
Very soon two merchants stopped before the pile, and when they had turned it over, one said to the other:
"If this man was wise he would take these things to Cairo, where he would get a much better price than he is likely to do here."
Ali Khoja heard the words, and lost no time in following the advice. He packed up his wares, and instead of returning to Bagdad, joined a caravan that was going to Cairo. The results of the journey gladdened his heart. He sold off everything almost directly, and bought a stock of Egyptian curiosities, which he intended selling at Damascus; but as the caravan with which he would have to travel would not be starting for another six weeks, he took advantage of the delay to visit the Pyramids, and some of the cities along the banks of the Nile.
Now the attractions of Damascus so fascinated the worthy Ali, that he could hardly tear himself away, but at length he remembered that he had a home in Bagdad.
On way home, Ali Khoja decided to go to India, and so it came to pass that seven years had slipped by since he had left Bagdad, and during all that time the friend with whom he had left the vase of olives had never once thought of him or of it. In fact, it was only a month before Ali Khoja actually returned home that the friend’s wife remarked one day, that it was a long time since she had eaten any olives, and would like some.
"That reminds me," said the husband, "that before Ali Khoja went to Mecca seven years ago, he left a vase of olives in my care. But really by this time he must be dead, and there is no reason we should not eat the olives if we like. Give me a light, and I will fetch them and see how they taste."
"My husband," answered the wife, "beware, I pray, of your doing anything so base! Supposing seven years have passed without news of Ali Khoja, he need not be dead for all that, and may come back any day. How shameful it would be to have to confess that you had betrayed your trust and broken the seal of the vase! Pay no attention to my idle words, I really have no desire for olives now. And probably after all this while they are no longer good. I have a feeling that Ali Khoja will return, and what will he think of you? Give it up, I pray."
The merchant, however, refused to listen to her advice, sensible though it was. He took a light and a dish and went into his shop.
"If you will be so determined," said his wife, "I cannot help it; but do not blame me if it turns out ill."
When the merchant opened the vase he found the topmost olives were rotten, and in order to see if the under ones were in better condition he shook some out into the dish. As they fell out a few of the gold pieces fell out too.
The sight of the money roused all the merchant's greed. He looked into the vase, and saw that all the bottom was filled with gold. He then replaced the olives and returned to his wife.
"My wife," he said, as he entered the room, "you were quite right; the olives are rotten, and I have put the lid of the vase so well that Ali Khoja will never know it has been touched."
"You would have done better to believe me," replied the wife. "I trust that no harm will come of it."
The merchant spent the whole night in wondering how he could manage to keep the gold if Ali Khoja  should come back and claim his vase. Very early next morning he went out and bought fresh new olives; he then threw away the old ones, took out the gold and hid it, and filled up the vase with the olives he had bought. This done he again lid the vase and put it in the same place where it had been left by Ali Khoja.
A month later Ali Khoja returned Bagdad. The following day he set out to see his friend the merchant, who received him with open arms and many expressions of surprise. After a few moments given to inquiries Ali Khoja begged the merchant to hand him over the vase that he had taken care of for so long.
"Oh certainly," said he, "I am only glad I could be of use to you in the matter. Here is the key of my shop; you will find the vase in the place where you put it."
Ali Khoja fetched his vase and carried it home. He opened the jar. He thrust down his hand but could feel no money, but still was persuaded it must be there. So he got some plates and vessels and emptied out the olives. To no purpose. The gold was not there. The poor man was dumb with horror, then, lifting up his hands, he exclaimed, "Can my old friend really have committed such a crime?"
In great haste he went back to the house of the merchant. "My friend," he cried, "you will be astonished to see me again, but I can find nowhere in this vase a thousand pieces of gold that I placed in the bottom under the olives. Perhaps you may have taken a loan of them for your business purposes; if that is so you are most welcome. I will only ask you to give me a receipt, and you can pay the money at your leisure."
The merchant, who had expected something of the sort, had his reply all ready. "Ali Khoja," he said, "when you brought me the vase of olives did I ever touch it?"
"I gave you the key of my shop and you put it yourself where you liked, and did you not find it in exactly the same spot and in the same state? If you placed any gold in it, it must be there still. I know nothing about that; you only told me there were olives. You can believe me or not, but I have not laid a finger on the vase."
Ali Khoja still tried every means to persuade the merchant to admit the truth. "I love peace," he said, "and shall deeply regret having to resort to harsh measures. Once more, think of your reputation. I shall be in despair if you oblige me to call in the aid of the law."
"Ali Khoja," answered the merchant, "you allow that it was a vase of olives you placed in my charge. You fetched it and removed it yourself, and now you tell me it contained a thousand pieces of gold, and that I must restore them to you! Did you ever say anything about them before? Why, I did not even know that the vase had olives in it! Yon never showed them to me. I wonder you have not demanded pearls or diamonds. Retire, I pray you, lest a crowd should gather in front of my shop."
By this time not only the casual passers-by, but also the neighboring merchants, were standing round, listening to the dispute, and trying every now and then to settle matters between them. But at the merchant's last words Ali Khoja resolved to lay the cause of the quarrel before them, and told them the whole story. They heard him to the end, and inquired of the merchant what he had to say.
The accused man admitted that he had kept Ali Khoja’s vase in his shop; but he denied having touched it, and swore that as to what it contained he only knew what Ali Khoja had told him, and called them all to witness the insult that had been put upon him.
"You have brought it on yourself," said Ali Khoja, taking him by the arm, "and as you appeal to the law, the law you shall have! Let us see if you will dare to repeat your story before the Qazi."
Now as a good Mussulman the merchant was forbidden to refuse this choice of a judge, so he accepted the test, and said to Ali Khoja, "Very well; I should like nothing better. We shall soon see which of us is in the right."
So the two men presented themselves before the Qazi, and Ali Khoja again repeated his tale. The Qazi asked what witnesses he had. Ali Khoja replied that he had not taken this precaution, as he had considered the man his friend, and up to that time had always found him honest.
The merchant, on his side, stuck to his story, and offered to swear solemnly that not only had he never stolen the thousand gold pieces, but that he did not even know they were there. The Qazi allowed him to take the oath, and pronounced him innocent.
Ali Khoja, furious at having to suffer such a loss, protested against the verdict, declaring that he would appeal to the Caliph, Haroun-al-Rashid, himself. But the Qazi paid no attention to his threats, and was quite satisfied that he had done what was right.
Judgment being given the merchant returned home triumphant, and Ali Khoja went back to his inn to draw up a petition to the Caliph. The next morning he placed himself on the road along which the Caliph must pass after mid-day prayer, and stretched out his petition to the officer who walked before the Caliph, whose duty it was to collect such things, and on entering the palace to hand them to his master. There Haroun-al-Rashid studied them carefully.
Knowing this custom, Ali Khoja followed the Caliph into the public hall of the palace, and waited the result. After some time the officer appeared, and told him that the Caliph had read his petition, and had appointed an hour the next morning to give him audience. He then inquired the merchant's address, so that he might be summoned to attend also.
That very evening, the Caliph, with his grand-vizir,  and, chief of the eunuchs, all three disguised, as was their habit, went out to take a stroll through the town.
Going down one street, the Caliph's attention was attracted by a noise, and looking through a door which opened into a court he saw ten or twelve children playing in the moonlight. He hid himself in a dark corner, and watched them.
"Let us play at being the Qazi," said the brightest and quickest of them all; "I will be the Qazi. Bring before me Ali Khoja, and the merchant who robbed him of the thousand pieces of gold."
The boy's words recalled to the Caliph the petition he had read that morning, and he waited with interest to see what the children would do.
The suggestion was welcomed with joy by the other children, who had heard a great deal of talk about the matter, and they quickly settled the part each one was to play. The Qazi took his seat seriously, and an officer introduced first Ali Khoja, the accuser, and then the merchant who was the culprit.
Ali Khoja made a low bow, and pleaded his cause point by point; concluding by pleading the Qazi not to impose on him such a heavy loss.
The Qazi having heard his case, turned to the merchant, and inquired why he had not repaid Ali Khoja the sum in question.
The false merchant repeated the reasons that the real merchant had given to the Qazi of Bagdad, and also offered to swear that he had told the truth.
"Stop a moment!" said the little Qazi, "before we come to oaths, I should like to examine the vase with the olives. Ali Khoja," he added, "have you got the vase with you?" and finding he had not, the Qazi continued, "Go and get it, and bring it to me."
So Ali Khoja disappeared for an instant, and then pretended to lay a vase at the feet of the Qazi, declaring it was his vase, which he had given to the accused for safe custody; and in order to be quite correct, the Qazi asked the merchant if he recognized it as the same vase. By his silence the merchant admitted the fact, and the Qazi then ordered to have the vase opened. Ali Khoja made a movement as if he was taking off the lid, and the little Qazi on his part made a trick of looking into a vase.
"What beautiful olives!" he said, "I should like to taste one," and pretending to put one in his mouth, he added, "they are really excellent!"
"But," he went on, "it seems to me odd that olives seven years old should be as good as that! Send for some dealers in olives, and let us hear what they say!"
Two children were presented to him as olive merchants, and the Qazi addressed them. "Tell me," he said, "how long can olives be kept so as to be pleasant eating?"
"My lord," replied the merchants, "however much care is taken to preserve them, they never last beyond the third year. They lose both taste and color, and are only fit to be thrown away."
"If that is so," answered the little Qazi, "examine this vase, and tell me how long the olives have been in it."
The olive merchants pretended to examine the olives and taste them; then reported to the Qazi that they were fresh and good.
"You are mistaken," said he, "Ali Khoja declares he put them in that vase seven years ago."
"My lord," returned the olive merchants, "we can assure you that the olives are those of the present year. And if you consult all the merchants in Bagdad you will not find one to give a different opinion."
The accused merchant opened his mouth as if to protest, but the Qazi gave him no time. "Be silent," he said, "you are a thief. Take him away and hang him." So the game ended, the children clapping their hands in applause, and leading the criminal away to be hanged.
Haroun-al-Rashid was lost in astonishment at the wisdom of the child, who had given so wise a verdict on the case which he himself was to hear on the next day. "Is there any other verdict possible?" he asked the grand-vizir, who was as much impressed as himself. "I can imagine no better judgment."
"If the circumstances are really such as we have heard," replied the grand-vizir, "it seems to me your Highness could only follow the example of this boy, in the method of reasoning, and also in your conclusions."
"Then take careful note of this house," said the Caliph, "and bring me the boy to-morrow, so that the affair may be tried by him in my presence. Summon also the Qazi, to learn his duty from the mouth of a child. Bid Ali Khoja bring his vase of olives, and see that two dealers in olives are present." So saying the Caliph returned to the palace.
The next morning early, the grand-vizir went back to the house where they had seen the children playing, and asked for the mistress and her children. Three boys appeared, and the grand-vizir inquired which had represented the Qazi in their game of the previous evening. The eldest and tallest, changing color, confessed that it was he, and to his mother's great alarm, the grand-vizir said that he had strict orders to bring him into the presence of the Caliph.
"Does he want to take my son from me?" cried the poor woman; but the grand-vizir hastened to calm her, by assuring her that she should have the boy again in an hour, and she would be quite satisfied when she knew the reason of the summons. So she dressed the boy in his best clothes, and the two left the house.
When the grand-vizir presented the child to the Caliph, he was a little awed and confused, and the Caliph proceeded to explain why he had sent for him. "Approach, my son," he said kindly. "I think it was you who judged the case of Ali Khoja and the merchant last night? I overheard you by chance, and was very pleased with the way you conducted it. To-day you will see the real Ali Khoja and the real merchant. Seat yourself at once next to me."
The Caliph being seated on his throne with the boy next him, the parties to the suit were accompanied in. One by one they prostrated themselves, and touched the carpet at the foot of the throne with their foreheads. When they rose up, the Caliph said: "Now speak. This child will give you justice, and if more should be wanted I will see to it myself."
Ali Khoja and the merchant pleaded one after the other, but when the merchant offered to swear the same oath that he had taken before the Qazi, he was stopped by the child, who said that before this was done he must first see the vase of olives.
At these words, Ali Khoja presented the vase to the Caliph, and uncovered it. The Caliph took one of the olives, tasted it, and ordered the expert merchants to do the same. They pronounced the olives good, and fresh that year. The boy informed them that Ali Khoja declared it was seven years since he had placed them in the vase; to which they returned the same answer as the children had done.
The accused merchant saw by this time that his blame was certain, and tried to allege something in his defense. The boy had too much sense to order him to be hanged, and looked at the Caliph, saying, "Commander of the Faithful, this is not a game now; it is for your Highness to condemn him to death and not for me."
Then the Caliph, convinced that the man was a thief, bade them take him away and hang him, which was done, but not before he had admitted his guilt and the place in which he had hidden Ali Khoja's money. The Caliph ordered the Qazi to learn how to deal out justice from the mouth of a child, and sent the boy home, with a purse containing a hundred pieces of gold as a mark of his favor.
A Story from Arabian Nights - 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Finding Elixir of Life

Finding Elixir of Life

Sham S. Misri
Suraj a very rich man - had lot of money, so, he never worked. One day he thought of illness and death. He knew everybody died finally. He thought of living a long life and not to die. He had heard of a king who had also wanted to escape death. The king wanted to live for a long long time. He told his friend Jagu to get the elixir of life about which he had heard from his grandfather. So Jagu set out for a journey with lot of money to find elixir of life. As Jagu never returned the king as usual died one day. The people were worried as to what happened to Jagu. The people now told Suraj that Jagu had gone to heaven and become a god to protect the saints. They also told him that the saints knew the secret of the elixir of life. He went up to the mountains to find the saints but failed. Finally he heard of the temple dedicated to Jagu where saints would worship the god Jagu, who had once set out to find the elixir of life. Suraj found this temple on the top of a hill and went inside and began to pray. He prayed for several days begging Jagu to help him find a saint who could fulfill his wish. One midnight Jagu told him, “To get the elixir of life, you would have to become a saint yourself. Since, you are a lazy man and used to comfort you cannot become a saint, as saint’s life is quite tough. Now that you have prayed I will send you to a place where no one ever dies. “This place was called “Land of Never ending life.”
With this Jagu gave Suraj a paper magic mat which was folded, and told him to sit on it. The magic paper rose high in the air. Suraj flew high in the air until he reached land of never ending life. He walked around the country and met people who lived there. The people were rich and had everything to eat. Suraj decided to stay there- and set up his business there. Time rolled on. The strangest thing Suraj found was that no one could remember anyone ever dying or getting ill. Suraj was very happy to see it all this. He thought the people living there would be the happiest people on the earth. But this was not true. People were bored and tired of their long life. Things were the same year after year. The people living there had heard of the Heaven which they could enter only after dying. So, many people wished very much to die for a change.
Suraj thought that these people were very strange. He thought that he was happy in the land of Never ending life- as he always took pleasure in the idea that he would never die. After many years things were different for Suraj. After living there for many years he began to fall homesick and got bored. He wanted to go back into his own country where it was possible for the people to die. Now Suraj remembered Jagu. He requested him for help. Soon the paper mat appeared before him. He sat on it flying high in the air. There were clouds and rain. The paper mat got wet and fell into the sea along with Suraj. He cried for help. He saw huge sharks coming towards him. He cried as loud as he could for Jagu to save him.
Suraj woke up and found himself on the floor in the lonely Jagu temple. He had fallen asleep while praying and all his adventures, -the paper mat, the land of Never ending life, and the rain and the sharks had been nothing but a dream.
A light came towards him with a message “In answer to your prayers, Jagu sent you a dream and you could see the land of Never ending life. But you begged to go back to your country so you could die. Then Jagu made you fall in the sea and sent sharks, so you could die, but you did not really want to die, and you cried for help. Then you woke up here. So you see Suraj you don’t want to live for ever, and you don’t want to die also. So the best thing for you is to go back to your home and lead a good life.’

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

When Alexander The Great Met The Chief of A Forest Tribe in Central Asia

When Alexander The Great Met The Chief of A Forest Tribe in Central Asia

Sham S. Misri

(Hashim And Qassim are the two Tribesmen)
[The house of the chief of a tribe in the forest in Central Asia. The chief and his guest, Alexander the Great, are sitting together to eat their dinner. Dates made of gold have been served on a plate to Alexander. He looks at them and feels them and is surprised.]
Alexander:    Do you eat golden dates here?
Chief:                          No, we don’t. We eat the natural dates. We’ve plenty of them of here.
Alexander: Then why do you give me these golden dates to eat?
Chief:                          I thought you were not satisfied with the natural fruits which grew in your country and were killing people of other lands to get golden fruit.
Alexander: {feeling ashamed} : I don’t want any  gold from      you. Please let me eat what you’re eating.
Chief: Very well, you can have the natural dates which l eat every day. [Serves him the natural dates from a basket.]
Alexander: Please tell me about the life of your people.
Chief: You’ll soon know something about it. Let’s finish     our dinner first.
[When they have finished their dinner,  two tribesmen named Hashim and Qassim enter and stand in front of their chief. The plates and the basket of dates is removed by a servant and the chief nods to the two men]
Hashim: Sir, I brought a piece of land from this man. When I Ploughed it, I found two bagful’s of gold  under the soil. I took the gold to this man but he refused to take it. Sir, I bought the piece of land only, not the gold in it. How can I keep this gold?
Qassim: Chief, this man is not all fair to me. When I’ve sold the piece of land to him, how can I take what he finds in it? Today he’s asking me to take the gold which he has found under the soil ;tomorrow he may ask me take the fruit which he grows on it. No, no, I can’t take what does not belong me.
Alexander: { softly to himself} : I’ve never heard such a case before in my life. Let me see how the old man decides it.
Chief { to Hashim} : You have an only son, haven’t you?
Hashim: Yes , chief , I have.
Chief {to Qassim}: And you have an only daughter. Am I right?
Qassim: Yes, sir, you are right.
Chief: Then the solution is very easy. Go and give your daughter in marriage to Hashim’s son and let the gold be a dowry to the couple. Do you both agree?
Hashim & Qassim: We agree, sir.
[Hashim and Qasim go out. Alexander is amazed]
Chief: How do you like my decision, great conqueror?
Alexander: How do I Iike it? I must say I’m amazed. I’ve  never seem such a thing happen before.
Chief: How is such a thing decided in your country?
Alexander: Such a case is not possible in my country. I must say I’m confused.
Chief: Well, let me ask you a few more questions. They may help to clear your mind. Does the sun shine in your country?
Alexander: What a question! The sun shines all over the world. It shines in my country as it shines here.
Chief: And does the rain fall in your land?
Alexander: Yes, it does. We have plenty of rain and sunshine in our country.
Chief: Wonderful! There are many gentle, harmless animals in your country, aren’t there?
Alexander: There are. But, why do you ask these funny questions?
Chief: My questions aren’t funny, sir. I was wondering why the sun shines and the rain falls in a country where the ruler is so confused. I have got the answer now. The sun shines and the rain falls there for the sake of those gentle animals.
Alexander: I don’t know why the sun shines and the rain falls in my country, but I have learnt a great lesson today, and I thank you for it.

How do mother animals know their own babies ?

How do mother animals know their own babies ?

Sham S. Misri
Hundreds of baby lamb live with their mother in large flocks. Each lamb seems exactly like all the others. But a mother sheep knows the difference. No matter how many lambs there are in the flock , she can always pick out her own baby, because it has its own particular odor . The minute a lamb is born, the mother sniffs at it . From then on, she remembers exactly how it smells. Deer, buffaloes, cats, dogs and many other animal mothers know their babies by smell.
A mother penguin knows her own chick. Dozens of chicks stay together in groups while the grown- up birds go fishing in the ocean for foods. When a mother gets back,  she waddles through the whole hungry crowds of babies and refuses to feed any but her own. People who study penguins are not quite sure, but they think the mother and father both recognize their baby’s voice and also its particular shape and size.
A baby penguin seems to recognize its parents’ voice. When its mother or father calls, it comes running . When a baby chick or duck hatches,  it usually sees first of all the big dark shape of its mother. From then on, it recognizes that shape and follows it. But if ducklings happen see a dog’s shape first, they will follow dog around just, as if, it were their mother. They will even follow a large stout scientist who is experimenting with ducks- if they see him first!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

How an old Muslim, made his people believe paradise

How an old Muslim, made his people believe paradise

Sham S. Misri
Marco Polo travelled extensively with his family, journeying from Europe to Asia from 1271 to 1295 and remaining in China for 17 of those years. Around 1292, he left China, acting as consort along the way to a Mongol princess who was being sent to Persia.
Although he was born to a wealthy Venetian merchant family, much of Marco Polo’s childhood was spent parentless, and he was raised by an extended family. Polo's mother died when he was young, and his father and uncle, successful jewel merchants were in Asia for much of Polo's youth. The Polo’s  then joined a diplomatic mission to the court of Kublai Khan, the Mongol leader whose grandfather, Genghis Khan, had conquered Northeast Asia. During their stay with the leader, Khan had expressed his interest in Christianity and asked the Polo brothers to visit again with 100 priests and a collection of holy water. Khan's Empire, the largest the world had ever seen, was largely a mystery to those living within the borders of the Holy Roman Empire. A sophisticated culture outside the reaches of the Vatican seemed profound, and yet that's exactly what the Polo brothers described to confused Venetians when they arrived home.
Unable to recruit the 100 priests that Kublai Khan had requested, they left with only two, who, after getting a taste of the hard journey ahead of them, soon turned back for home. The Polos' journey took place on land, and they were forced to cut through challenging and sometimes harsh territory.
Kublai Khan eventually employed Marco as a special envoy. He was sent to far-flung areas of Asia never before explored by Europeans, including Burma, India and Tibet. Marco Polo a strong explorer served powerful Khan well with all his official credentials. As the years wore on, Marco was promoted for his work. He served as governor of a Chinese city. Later, Khan appointed him as an official of the Privy Council.
After 17 years in Khan's court, the Polos decided it was time to return to Venice. Their decision was not one that pleased Khan, who'd grown to depend on the men. In the end, he agreed to their request with one condition: They had to escort a Mongol princess to Persia, where she was to marry a Persian prince. Traveling by sea, the Polos left with a caravan of several hundred passengers and sailors. The journey proved traumatic, and many perished as a result of storms and disease. By the time the group reached Persia's Port, just 18 people, including the princess and the Polos, were still alive.
Back home, Marco Polo  reveled all the adventures. In the book ‘Travels of Marco Polo,’ there is a reference about the earthly paradise which is as follows:
Formed in a valley, between two mountains, the largest and most beautiful garden that ever was seen, there grew all the finest fruits in the world, and it was adorned by the most beautiful houses and palaces, the interior being richly gilded, and furnished with finely colored pictures of birds and beasts, and the most striking objects. It contained several conduits through which flowed respectively water, wine, honey, and milk. Here were ladies and damsels unequalled in beauty and in the skill with which they sang and played on instruments of every description. Now the Old Man, a long bearded Muslim, made his people believe that this garden was paradise. The Old Man wanted to make people believe that those who went into that place would meet great numbers of beautiful women, and find rivers of water, wine, milk and honey: hence the visitors were led to think that this really was paradise. Into this garden he admitted no man except those whom he wished. The entry to the spot was commanded by a castle so strong that he did not fear any power in the world. He kept in his court all the youths of the country between twelve and twenty years of age, and when he thought proper selected a number who had been well instructed in the description of paradise. He gave them a beverage which threw them into a deep sleep, then carried them into the garden and made them be awakened. When any one of them opened his eyes, saw this delightful spot, and heard the delicious music and songs, he really believed himself in the state of blessedness. When again, however, he fell asleep, he was brought out into the castle, where he awoke in great wonder, and felt deep regret at having left that delightful abode. He then went humbly to the Old Man, worshipping him. Being asked whence he came, he told that he had been in the paradise, relating all he had seen, and saying that he desired much to die and return thither. The chief then named to him a great lord whom he wished him to kill. The youth cheerfully obeyed, and if in the act he was taken and put to death, he suffered with exultation, believing that he was to go into the happy place. If, after performing the deed, he escaped, the Old Man received him with the greatest honor, and when he wished to destroy another chief, employed him afresh, saying that he was sent into paradise.

The Three Companions

The Three Companions
Every year cholera visited a very big city. Her companions were always Death and Fear. One year it so happened that Fear came before Death and Cholera, and the gate-keeper, who did not know her, let her go into the city.
When the other two appeared before the gate of the city, the watch man called angrily, “So! You come again to bring sorrow and misery, do you? And how many victims are you going to take this time, cursed Cholera?”
“Don’t carry on so,’’ Cholera said. ‘’ l won’t take more than five hundred.’’
“And you, dreadful Death,’’ the gate-keeper cried, turning to her, ‘’How many people are you going to take out of city to your kingdom?’’
“Oh, I’ll take whatever cholera gives me,’’ Death answered quietly.
“Well,” the gate-keeper muttered, “go in. But watch out, Cholera. Don’t take more than five hundred victims. You’ve promised? And you, Death, don’t you dare to take more than what Cholera gives you!’’
“Gate- keeper,’’ they said together,’’ you can rely on our word.’’ And side by side they passed through the open gate into the city.
Three long weeks they remained there and then they called to the gate- keeper to open the gates again.
“Hum,’’ the gate – keeper muttered,’’ how many victims do you take, Cholera?’’
“I did my best not to go beyond the promised number,’’ Cholera answered. ‘’ And so, l am taking not more than four hundred and ninety.’’
“Now, that sounds as if you’re telling the truth,’’ the gate – keeper said.
He turned towards death. “And you, Death, how many are you taking with you?’’
“Oh, I’m taking more than a thousand with,” Death answered at once.
The gate- keeper was horrified. ‘’ How can that be?’’ he cried in astonishment. Cholera herself said she’s taking only four hundred and ninety!’’
“Yes,” Death answered, “that’s what Cholera is taking. But most of those who died were taken by Fear, who came unnoticed through your gate. One day you’ll know, old man, that our sister Fear does more harm and causes more deaths than Cholera!’’

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Moon is Worth Two Suns

The Moon is Worth Two Suns
One day two Irishmen were talking about the sun and the moon and arguing as to which of the two was more useful. After long arguments one of them said, “Oh ! I know. The moon is worth two suns, because it shines at night when it is needed; but the sun shines in the daytime, when nobody wants it.”

Sunday, February 25, 2018

A Lesson In Faith

A Lesson In Faith
A foolish young fellow once astonished an old clergyman by boasting. ‘’I don’t believe in anything I can’t see and understand,’’ he said.  “Do you believe there in such a country as France?’’ enquired the clergy-man. ‘’ Yes,’’ he said, “because, though l have never seen it, l know people who have.‘’ “Then you refuse to believe in anything that you or others haven’t seen ?’’ “Most certainly,‘’ said the youth. ‘’ Did you ever see your own brains?’’ “Of course not.’’ Do you know anybody who has seen them?
‘’ No.’’
“Do you think you have got any ?‘’
The young man knew that he was defeated and he hung his head in shame.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Story Of King Deva Pala

The Story Of King Deva Pala
(Buddhist Traditions)
Sham S. Misri
Within the Indian Buddhist tantric tradition there were Seven Lineages which are: Matsyendra, Caurangi, Mina-pa, Goraksa and others. They were the important masters with the Lineage of Various Teachings. Among them Mina-pa was considered as the earliest master.
In Buddhist scriptures it is mentioned that within 'the eastern region' of the Indian sub-continent 'lived a king named Deva Pala'. But it is not sure whether this Deva Pala is the historical Deva Pala of the Buddhist following Pala dynasty.
The historical Deva Pala ruled the multi-regional Pala Empire and the Indian historian Jhunu Bagchi dates his reign to c.810 to 847 AD. If this is the Deva Pala of the Pala dynasty, the events featured roughly date prince Caurangi to the first half of the 9th century AD., or a little later.
The story continues with the fact that King Deva Pala 'had only one son' named Caurangi. When prince Caurangi was still a teenager his mother became ill. Just before she died the queen mother gave 'her last testimony' to her prince son. At this crucial juncture, the wise, Buddhist following queen mother stated to Caurangi:
       "All the happiness and misery of living beings arise from meritorious and unmeritorious actions. Even if acting from merit means you lose your life do not perform anything unmeritorious."
      With these words prince Caurangi’ s noble mother died. King Deva Pala was full of grief at her death. His ministers advised 'the king to marry a [new] queen'. Soon, they found a suitable young noble woman for king Deva Pala and the king was married again. But, Deva Pala was still grief stricken at the death of his noble wife and 'went to the forest to dispel his grief.
     Unfortunately the new young queen was left alone in the king's palace. Now, on 'seeing the young prince' she allowed 'lust to arise'. But mindful of his mother's last advise 'the prince refused' her advances. The new queen was 'embarrassed' that her lustful advances were refused and became angry and even afraid. The new queen subsequently thought of a plan to ease her fears and get her revenge on the noble prince and decided to carry 'out a deception'. After some time, on the return of the king Deva Pala from his forest retreat the new young queen pretended a sexual assault by the young prince. She 'cut herself her clothes...and lay naked' and ruffled 'on her bed'.
       The king did not question her explanation of a sexual assault by Caurangi (his son) and gave orders to his executioners to 'take the prince into the deep forest and cut off his hands and feet'. In the forest the executioners considered that it was 'not right to kill a prince' and decided to kill one of their own sons in his place. But the noble prince Caurangi rejected this course of action and by remembering what his mother had said on her death-bed he ordered the executioners to 'cut off his hands and feet'.
Meanwhile 'in that country was a great yogi named Acinta'. The adept yogi Acinta 'went among [some] herdsmen saying...there is a man with his limbs cut off...who is willing to go to him'. Among them was 'a small boy', Goraksa 'the son of a hawker.  He was willing to go to see if he could help this injured man. Goraksa saw the injured man and on returning to Acinta, the boy Goraksa said:
" It is as you say...."
Then Acinta replied: 'What do you have to eat and drink?
Goraksa replied, " The master of the herdsmen gives me enough to eat and drink I will take half to that man..."
Acinta replied: " Good. Take good care of him. His name is Caurangi."
In carrying out this task, Goraksa was proved to be a compassionate man as well as a caring servant who helped Caurangi for twelve years. During the final day of this last year Goraksa 'saw the prince standing' and 'asked how this could be...'.
Caurangi replied:
"A perfected master, skilled in means, brought me to realize (the intuitive experience of) emptiness (shunya), [voidness]. How wondrous it is to know the true nature of existing things and so be without attachment to the pleasures and pain!"
Then Caurangi rose up in the air and said to the cowherd Goraksa:
" You have been given instructions by me now practice them! "
However Goraksa replied: " I do not wish instructions. I [already] have a master who asked me to make [service and] offerings to you and I have acted accordingly."
Then Goraksa returned to guard his herd and then he awaited Acinta to return. On his return Goraksa recounted his experiences with Caurangi and this adept yogi rejoiced. Then Acinta sanctified the cowherd Goraksa and gave him the complete instructions. Goraksa meditated for a number of years and 'obtained the mahamudra-siddhi, the Accomplishment of the Great Seal'.
When this auspicious event happened Acinta returned again and said to Goraksa:

" Do not depart from this world until you awakened to enlightenment a hundred times a hundred living beings."

Why does a dog wag his tail ?

Why does a dog wag his tail ?
Sham M Misri
suppose one dog walk up to another, slowly wagging his tail from side to side . Dose this mean he wants to make friends ?  An expert on dog behavior has found a surprising answer . This kind of tail wagging is a sign that the dog has a habit of bossing over other dogs . If the newcomer is used to giving in, the two will perhaps get along together . But if the newcomer also gives a boss- dog wag , a
fight may easily start. If a dog wags his tail while it is tucked down close to the legs it shows that he is used to obeying.
Some tail wagging , of course , goes along with pleasure. But it is not something a dog dose because he wants to show how glad he is to see you . The movement of his tail starts automatically when his eyes tell his brain that you are there . Scientists have not done much experimenting to find what gives animals pleasure or how they show it different ways.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Marco Polo

Sham S Misri
Marco Polo travelled extensively with his family, journeying from Europe to Asia from 1271 to 1295 and remaining in China for 17 of those years. He had his father and uncle with him. Around 1292, he left China, acting as companion along the way to a Mongol princess who was being sent to Persia. Marco Polo’s stories about his travels in Asia were published as a book  known as The Travels of Marco Polo.
Marco Polo was unable to recruit the 100 priests that Kublai Khan had requested. Finally they were left with only two, who, after getting a taste of the hard journey ahead of them, soon turned back for home. The Polos' journey took place on, land and they had to pass through harsh territory. His memory for the places and cultures he witnessed was remarkable and exceptionally accurate. Hardships, of course, came his way. In what is now Afghanistan, Marco was forced to retreat to the mountains in order to recoup from an illness he'd contracted.
Eventually, Kublai Khan employs Marco as a special envoy and he sent him to far-flung areas of Asia never before explored by Europeans, including Burma, India and Tibet. After 17 years in Khan's court, the Polos decided to return to Venice. Their decision did not please Khan. They had to escort a Mongol princess to Persia, where she was to marry a Persian prince. In the end, Kublai Khan agreed to their request. They travelled by sea and the Polos left with a caravan of several hundred passengers and sailors. The journey proved traumatic, and many perished as a result of storms and disease. By the time the group reached Persia's Port, just 18 people, including the princess and the Polos, were still alive. After two years of travel, the Polos reached Venice. They returned home after two decades, and their return to their native land undoubtedly had its difficulties. Their faces looked unfamiliar to their family and they struggled to speak their native tongue. Marco died at his home in Venice on January 8, 1324. As he lay dying, friends and fans of his book paid him visits, urging him to admit that his book was fiction. Marco wouldn't relent. "I have not told half of what I saw," he said.
Marco's story has inspired countless other adventurers to set off and see the world. Two centuries after Marco's passing, Columbus set off across the Atlantic in hopes of finding a new route to the Orient. With him was a copy of Marco Polo's book. From his travels, Marco Polo amassed not only great knowledge about the Mongol empire but incredible wonder. He marveled at the empire's use of paper money, an idea that had failed to reach Europe, and was in awe of its economy and scale of production.

The King who was betrayed

The King who was betrayed
Sham S. Misri
Once there was a king who was betrayed by his wife. And he cast off his kingdom like a snake casts its old skin. The king abandoned everything, and turned his back upon the world. And he went away into the great southern forest, for he said: Let me go where I shall never again see a human face, or hear a human voice again. So day after day he went on into the unknown depths of that terrible forest, till after a time he found himself alone with his shadow among the giant trees. And then, all of a sudden, those trees came abruptly to an end. The king looked around, and he looked, and lo! he stood on the bank of a great river, whose water was studded as far as his eye could see with a countless host of lotus flowers that coloured that region blue. And every lotus had for its lover a great golden bee, that buzzed about it in order that each lotus might think itself alone beloved. And the king marvelled at the sight of that lonely lotus haunted, bee-booming river, and he lived there till he died, alone. And if the Creator could frame those fair flowers in the midst of that wilderness to live and die with never an eye to see, surely they were better than if they had all been gathered to fade upon the hair of a million queens.

There is no solitude, man can make friendship with nature if he or she is betrayed.