Sham S.Misri
Once, while riding through the country with some other lawyers, Lincoln was missed from the party, and was seen loitering near a thicket of wild plum trees where the men had stopped a short time before to water their horses.
``Where is Lincoln?'' asked one of the lawyers.
``When I saw him last,'' answered another,
``he had caught two young birds that the wind had blown out of their nest, and was hunting for the nest to put them back again.''
After some time, as Lincoln joined them, the lawyers rallied him on his tenderheartedness, and he said:--
``I could not have slept unless I had restored those little birds to their mother.''
Work hard and be honest.
Abraham Lincoln laughed when once his
wife said he could lead the country. He campaigned saying “If slavery is not
wrong, nothing is wrong.”
“The world seemed wider and fairer
before me.” That was how Abraham Lincoln remembered the day he earned his first
dollar. A farm boy, Abe could plant and harvest, catch fish in the creek, split
rails for fences. And he could build a boat.
Once he ferried passengers up and down a
river. Two men hired Abe to row them out to their steamboat. Abe thought they
might pay him a quarter. Then each gave him a silver half dollar. “I could
scarcely believe my eyes” he said, “By honest work I had earned a dollar”.
Abraham Lincoln worked on a river boat,
as Clark in a store and marched as a soldier (but never fought a battle). He sat under trees, reading books on law.
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