Saturday, May 4, 2013

Cuckoo’s Fraud Works

Sham S. Misri
 Everyone hears the loud eerie, almost human call of the male cuckoo bird. It quite literary says, ‘Cuck- koo, cuck-koo’ and the voice carries for miles.
 Cuckoos are long and slim birds. It has a long tails, pointed wings and curved bills. The length is 39- 46 cm. Males are shiny black, with yellowish green bill. The female is dark brown, and profusely spotted. Females have green beak and red eyes. Males and females are distinct in appearance. Females are slightly smaller than the males.
They prefer tall forests, open moorlands, desert and rainforests. Cuckoos are carnivorous. They feed on fruits, insects, caterpillars, grasshoppers, lizards, small snakes and mammals. They feed in the canopy of the trees.
Unlike most other birds, cuckoos do not pair up and stay together, so there are no marriages or family life in cuckoo land. No cuckoos have ever bothered to build its own nest. They do not even care to hatch or feed its young.
Its breeding season starts from September to February. Cuckoo lays eggs in the nest of the other birds.
The female cuckoo (carrying her egg in her beak) searches the nest of another bird (sparrow) that already has eggs in it. She slips her own egg in............................

For further reading and more exciting stories please see this book

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