Friday, October 11, 2013

Marvellous Maize

Marvellous Maize

Sham S .Misri

Maize is a native of South America. Nearly seventy years back, it constituted the major diet of Black in America. From South America maize travelled to Asia including India. The maize is now grown in almost every state of India and extensively consumed in rural areas as staple food, , it is also an important feed for the live stock.
Corn is consumed in different forms. Its flour is used for making chapattis. Powdered corn grain flour has a cooling effect on body.
Unbroken maize grains are processed in different ways. They are boiled and used for making many dishes. Most common among them is corn coup. Due to its high protein content it is a good appetizer and has high nourishment value.  Unbroken grains are also roasted over hot sand or burning coal. An average sized corn cob contains 9-10 % proteins, 73% carbohydrates, 4% fat and nearly 1.6% fibre. It also contains micro nutrients like Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Iron. It is also rich in Vitamin A,E, and B1. Maize has tremendous medicinal and nutritional value.
          Present day genetic engineers and scientists have developed genetically engineered maize strain capable of secreting human antibodies against cancer. These human antibodies produced in corn fields are under clinical trial.
          The Silky thread like extensions of corn provides household remedy for scanty and burning urine. It is prepared by boiling silky threads in water. Drinking this water provides an effective remedy for urinary infections corn.
          Eating maize bread and curd once a day, is good for patients suffering from dysentery.
Corn contains lot of fibre which makes the bowel action regular and protects us from constipation, piles, colon diseases and appendicitis.
          Corn is used for producing beer and has replaced barley for this purpose.
          Corn is rich in vitamin A and E hence serves as an antioxidant, which has free radical scavenging property and therefore retards aging process and prolongs healthy life.

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