Tuesday, June 30, 2020

A Rishi's curse

A Rishi's curse
Once, King Indradyumna of Pandya failed to welcome Agastya Rishi. The rishi cursed him to become an elephant, Gajendra. Then he blessed, "A crocodile in the Trikut Lake will grab your leg and God will grant you moksha." As per the prophecy, years later, while Gajendra, the elephant, was drinking water, a crocodile grabbed his foot. Gajendra struggled furiously to free himself, but failed. The duel lasted for 1,000 years, the crocodile pulling towards water, the elephant towards land. As a last resort, Gajendra picked up a lotus and offered it to God, praying for help. God Vishnu promptly arrived on his vehicle, Garuda, and saved him. This story from the Srimad Bhagavatam of Gajendra moksha, shows the power of prayer, faith in God and God's compassion. God is only a prayer away.

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