Thursday, June 9, 2022

Viruses a Brief History


Viruses a Brief History

Scientists discovered viruses while studying a disease in plants called tobacco mosaic disease. The disease could wipe out whole crops of tobacco, causing serious economic losses for the growers. One of the scientists searching for the cause of the disease was Russian botanist Dmitri Ivanovski. In 1892, Ivanovski crushed infected tobacco leaves to extract juice from the plants. He then passed the juice through a filter with very small pores. Because bacteria, the disease-causing particles known at the time, could not pass through the small pores, Ivanovski expected to find the germs trapped in the filter. To make sure that they had been trapped and were no longer in the plant juice, he coated healthy plants with the filtered juice. To his surprise, the healthy plants became sick. Although Ivanovski realized that the infectious particles must have been smaller than any known bacteria, he still believed that a type of bacterium was causing the disease. Other scientist, a Dutch botanist Martinus Beijerinck, showed that the disease-causing particles did not behave like bacteria. Beijerinck named this small organism a virus.

In the 1930's, scientists found ways to remove viruses from plant cells and study them. With the invention of the electron microscope, it became possible to see viruses for the first time. Using these new methods and tools, scientists found many new types of viruses. Virologists, scientists who study viruses, also found how viruses survive and reproduce in cells, changing themselves and the cells that they infect.

Viruses are very small and compact. Most can only be seen with an electron microscope. The size of these tiny organisms is measured in nanometers. A nanometer is about 1/25 millionth of an inch. The smallest viruses, such as the common cold viruses, are 20 to 30 nanometers in diameter, while the largest viruses, such as the smallpox viruses are 200 to 300 nanometers in diameter. To get an idea of the size of viruses in relation to cells, think of a large ocean liner, a tugboat, and a rowboat. The tugboat next to the large ocean liner would be about the size of a large virus compared to a cell. The small rowboat next to the ocean liner would be about the size of a small virus compared to a cell.

Viewing viruses with the electron microscope, scientists were also able to examine their shapes. Viruses come in several shapes: helical, polyhedral, and complex. The tobacco mosaic virus, a helical virus, looks like a long rod with a hollow core. Polyhedral viruses look like soccer balls. They look almost spherical, but they are made up of many triangular sides, or faces.

Viruses are the smallest creatures known. They cause diseases in humans, such as the common cold, chicken pox, and AIDS. Viruses can infect not only humans, but every living thing plants and animals. The name "virus," means "poison." Viruses are fascinating creatures. Scientists are not even sure whether they are alive or whether viruses are just organized packages of chemicals that take over cells. Their existence prompts many questions: How can such small and simple creatures survive and reproduce?

What is a virus? Viruses can only live and reproduce within the cells of other organisms. Because viruses usually give nothing useful to the cell they infect and often damage it, we call them parasites. The skin sores in chickenpox are an example of this cell damage. Viruses lack the basic machinery of life. They cannot make their own essential molecules, such as proteins and carbohydrates. They also cannot produce ATP, the basic energy carrier of a cell. These tiny creatures act like cell pirates, taking over and using the chemical factories of the host cell and most of its production molecules, which are called enzymes, to survive.

Viruses are made up of a piece of genetic code, such as DNA or RNA, and protected by a coating of protein called a capsid. The capsid gives the virus its characteristic shape. In some types of viruses, a protective membrane called an envelope covers the protein coat. The virus gets this membrane, which is made of fatty acids and proteins, from the cell it infects. Viruses that acquire this membrane are called enveloped viruses. Viruses that do not acquire an envelope are called naked or non-enveloped viruses.

Not all envelopes are the same. Some viruses put their own identifying marks, in the form of molecules, into the envelope. These molecules, called spikes, stick out from the envelope like stiff hairs. Spikes are important to the virus because they help it attach to other cells and enter them.

Once a person is infected, viruses invade host cells within the body. They then use the components of the host cell to replicate, producing more viruses. After the replication cycle is complete, these new viruses are released from the host cell. This usually damages or destroys the infected cells. Some viruses can remain dormant for a time before multiplying again. When this happens, a person appears to have recovered from the viral infection but gets sick again. Antibiotics do not kill viruses and therefore are ineffective as a treatment for viral infections. Antiviral medications can sometimes be used, depending on the virus.

An illness caused by a virus can occur only after an individual is directly exposed to a virus. People, insects, food, and water can harbor viruses and transmit them to others. But to become infected, individuals must not only be exposed, they also must receive a sufficient dose of the virus. Some viruses cause infection only when they are present in very high numbers; others that are highly infectious cause illness when they are present in fairly low numbers. Rarely does a single virus make you sick.

Multiplication of viruses -Each virus needs a certain type of cell in which to multiply: Plant viruses multiply only in plant cells; animal viruses multiply only in animal cells.

After infecting a host cell, a single virus can produce hundreds or even thousands of similar viruses. The virus carries the essential information for its life cycle in its genes, while the host cell supplies the energy, machinery, building blocks, and production enzymes necessary for the virus to live and multiply. The new viruses are made in an orderly, step-by step process. The steps used by all viruses are a) attachment, b) entry, c) synthesis and assembly of virus parts, and d) release.

a) Attachment.

To multiply, the virus must first attach itself to the surface of a cell. The virus and the host cell must bind together tightly and fit each other exactly. Bacteriophages, viruses that attack bacteria, use their tail fibers to bind to molecules called receptors on the outside surface of bacteria.

b) Entry.

Once attached, viruses must free their genetic material inside the host cell so that new virus parts can be made. Sometimes the whole virus will enter the cell before gaining access to the host cell's protein-making processes. Other times just the nucleic acid will enter the host cell.

The method a virus uses to enter a cell depends on the type of virus. Some viruses are engulfed and taken in by the host cell. Other viruses, such as bacteriophages, inject their nucleic acid into the host. The tail of the bacteriophage contracts like a syringe and shoots the nucleic acid into the bacterium. The old protein coat of the virus is no longer needed and stays on the outside of the bacterium. The virus, with its genetic material free and open within the host cell, can now make new viruses.

c) Synthesis and Assembly.

Once freed inside the cell, the viral genes get to work and take over the cell machinery. The host cell becomes a factory, with all its processes dedicated to turning out new viruses. Copies of the viral nucleic acid are made instead of the cellular nucleic acid. Then viral proteins that will make up the outside of the virus-head, tail, and tail fibers are made. Soon each - copy of viral nucleic acid is surrounded by many capsomeres. The capsomeres assemble to form the capsid, and a complete, mature virus is produced.


The final step of the virus life cycle is the release of the viruses from the host cell. Some viruses destroy the cell when they are released. Bacteriophages make molecules that weaken the walls of the large numbers of new bacterial viruses cause the weakened cells to burst.

Viruses can cause many diseases in humans, other animals, and plants. Some common diseases in humans are the cold, chicken pox, measles, warts, and cold sores. More serious diseases include hepatitis, rabies, polio, and AIDS. In other animals’ viruses cause, among other ailments, distemper, rabies, and foot-and-mouth disease. Plants can have such virus diseases as peanut stunt, blueberry leaf mottle, beet curly top, and cauliflower mosaic.



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