The saying, found in
many Eurasian languages, probably originated in Turkish.
Dogs barked as the
caravan slowly prodded toward its destination, but their
bark was not enough to stop it from reaching the end of its journey.
'The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on has a meaning based on the story which is as follows.
a long line of stately camels marched with a silent even pace along the road,
one steadily following the other. As they pass through a village, the village
dogs rush out barking and yelping. What a noise and hubbub! But the haughty
camels march on unmoved, with their heads in the air, taking not the slightest
notice of the barking dogs around their feet. As far as they are concerned, the
noisy dogs might not be there at all. "The dogs bark, but the caravan goes
on." This is said to have been a favourite proverb of Mr. Asquith,
formerly Prime Minister of England. And you can imagine some great statesman
working out some great scheme for his country's good. He knows what he is
aiming at, and has carefully made his plans; and, having once made up his mind,
he goes steadily forward, carrying out his wise policy. But he is surrounded by
critics, who attack his policy in the press, in public meetings, in Parliament.
Some men would be upset by these attacks. They would hesitate, or become afraid
to go on with their schemes, or lose their tempers and get angry with their
noisy critics. But our statesman takes no notice of them. He lets them talk and
criticize and abuse him as much as they like; he does not alter his plans but
goes on steadily with them until he has carried out his policy successfully.
"The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on."
ordinary people, too, may learn a lesson from the camels. A Scottish family has
as its motto: "They say! What say they? Let them say!" That is, never
mind what people say about you, so long as your conscience is clear. Professor
Jowett of Oxford used to say: "Never explain yourself; never apologize;
just go on and let them howl."
course, a wise man will welcome criticism, and ever be willing to learn by it.
A stupid, stubborn obstinacy in the face of criticism and advice is the
attitude of a fool. But that is not what is meant here. What is meant is that
when one is quite clear in one's mind as to the wisdom and rightness of a certain
line of conduct, one must be brave enough to ignore ignorant criticism and face
unreasonable opposition. And one must learn to do this calmly, well, humoredly
and without losing one's temper. Let the dog bark; you go on in the path you
have chosen.
“The dogs bark but the caravan moves on” is an old Arabic
Proverb. It means, ‘once
you've wrestled through all the pros and cons of a difficult decision and made
it, you need to IGNORE THE NEGATIVE INPUT and keep moving on!
It was first used to refer to caravans travelling through the
desert climate regions of the vast Middle East. Dogs barked as the caravan
slowly prodded toward its destination, but their bark was not enough to stop it
from reaching the end of its journey. This means that once you’ve wrestled
through all the pros and cons of a difficult decision and made it, you need to ‘ignore
the negative input ‘and keep moving on!
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