Saturday, March 31, 2012

Wouder Gaaud (Kareva Fish)

Sham S. Misri
There was a couple.  The husband told his wife, “You never showed me feminine rudeness, brutality, or cunningness.”  The wife replied,” Alright wait, I will show you myself.”
                It was evening now and time to go to bed. The husband went to sleep. His wife purchased some five fish from a fisherman. Then she deposited them in a pit on the hillock. The pit had some rain water in it. After this, she went to her husband and said, “The people of the entire village have purchased the fish from the hillock and you remained sleeping.
The husband said,” There is no water on the hillock, how can the fish be there.”
The wife caught her husband’s hand and took him to the spot on the Kareva ( hillock) near the pit where she had deposited the fish. Seeing the fish the husband was puzzled. He collected all the fish that were in the pit.
He told his wife,” Now you should cook all these fish well with all the spices, in the evening I will get my friend for dinner and he will have fish to eat.” 
In the evening the husband got his friend with him for dinner. The wife now brought the dinner served in plates and kept it before her husband and his guest friend. He was shocked to see that the dinner plates that his wife had served had turnip on it instead of the fish. The husband got perturbed, agitated and nervous. In a fit of anger, he told his wife, “Where are the fish.”
The wife said, ” which fish.”
The husband said, “The same fish that I got from the pit on the hillock.”
The wife began to cry and weep. ‘O’ God, What a misery? What a disaster? What an injustice.
“How can fish be found on a hillock?
There was lot of noise in the house.
The neighbors and close friends assembled. They enquired about what had happened. The wife told them do you find the fish on a hill. Everybody was alarmed.
The wife blamed her husband for all the noise and mess. The neighbors told her husband are you a fool to say that the fish can be found on the hill.
The husband kept quite. He said,” they are throwing dust in my eyes. I saw the fish with my own eyes in a pit on the hillock.
Damn it, Let me not talk about it.” 
Next day evening when he was served the dinner, his dinner plate had five big pieces of fish served on it. He was enraged. He told his wife, “This is great insult to me, and yesterday you gave
 me a rebuff, and refused  and showed lot of rudeness to me. Where from have these fish come?”
The wife laughed and said,” You were saying to show rudeness. Today I have showed you. The husband felt ashamed.
When a man has a wife who is like a shrew, we say,”Amis Kar Zananie Wuder Guaid.”
Which translates-? His wife has shown him fish on the hill.Wouder Gaaud (Kareva Fish

Friday, March 30, 2012

Matter and its kinds-Everything’s related

Sham S. Misri
Everything in the universe is made up of either Matter or Energy. Matter is everything that takes up space. It is made up of tiny particles called atoms and molecules that are so small they can only be seen with powerful microscopes. No matter how big or small, matter has mass- it can be weighed even if it is as light as a feather.
Matter has three common states: Solids liquids and gases.
A solid has a hard or firm surface. It has a fixed volume. It can hold its shape.
A liquid is fluid and can flow freely. It will take the shape of whatever contains it.
A gas has no shape or volume. It will expand indefinitely.
Here on Earth, we find an excellent example of water - which we can see existing in all three states. Sometimes the state of matter is determined by temperature. For instance, water is liquid at temperatures between 320 F and 2120 F. It consists of 2 atoms of Hydrogen bonded to 1 atom of Oxygen. Under normal conditions, we call this stuff ice when it’s below 320 F. When water is boiled above 2120 F it becomes steam, which is a gas.
At very high temperatures, the bonds between atoms of Hydrogen and Oxygen are torn apart and the substance is no longer steam, i.e. water, it’s just hydrogen and oxygen as separate gases.
In extraordinary ranges of temperature and pressure we find across the universe, matter can take forms and behave in ways that might seem strange.
On Mars, for example, there is very little atmosphere, and thus very little air pressure. Under these conditions, water goes directly from the solid state (ice) to the gaseous state(water vapor) without passing through the liquid state. Hence there are no rivers and lakes on Mars today. We call this process sublimation. The stuff moth balls are made of does  this on Earth{they just do not leave any little puddle in the cupboards.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Lion and the Brainless Ass

Sham S.Misri

Lion the king of the jungle one day thought of having an ass for his dinner. The lion told his assistant, the Fox, to bring one ass for him for dinner. The fox went in search of an ass. Finally, when the fox found one ass, he told him,”The king of the forest, the Lion, wishes to discuss a marriage alliance with you.”
“A royal alliance!” exclaimed the ass, unable to contain his excitement.
“I would be honoured to come with you,” the ass said to the fox.
As soon as they reached the lion’s den, the lion pounced on the ass and knocked him down.
“Keep a watch over my dinner while I take a nap,” the lion told the fox.
The cunning fox kept a watch for a while. He got tempted to eat ass’s brain. He quickly took out the ass’s brain and ate it before the lion could wake up.
            After some time the lion woke up and immediately began to eat the ass. He looked all over the ass’s brain and when he could not find it, he grew suspicious.
            The lion roared,”Fox, did you eat the ass’s brain!”  
The quick witted fox replied, “Master, the ass did not have a brain. Only brainless ass would believe in a royal alliance!”
            “That is true,” said the lion, laughing in agreement.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Sham S. Misri
Unicorn was believed to be a horse like animal with single horn on its forehead.  This strange animal was known throughout Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa.  The ancient Greeks described it as a white horse with a purple head,  blue eyes,  and a long horn that was white at the bottom , black in the middle, and red at the top  Chinese knew the Unicorn as an animal with the body of a deer, the hoofs of a horse, and the tail of an ox. Its voice was like a deep bell. The people of medieval Europe knew the Unicorn as a pure white horse with a goat like beard, a lion’s tail, an ox’s hoofs, and a long spiraled horn. It lived in deserts and on high mountains. It was incredibly swift and could not be caught by hunters or traps. It could only be caught by a young, unmarried girl. If she would wait alone in a forest , a unicorn would come and lay its head in her lap , then tamely follow her , wherever she went.
The horn of Unicorn had special power. If a snake poisoned the water of the animals drinking pool in the forest , the unicorn would stir the water with its horn and the poison would disappear. Kings, nobles and wealthy merchants were willing to pay a fortune for a wine cup made from a Unicorn’s horn. Such a cup, it was said, would change color if poison was added to it, warning the owner not to drink.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Marvellous Maize

Sham S .Misri

Maize is the most domesticated and evolutional plant. Its origin has been a mystery since maize has been found highly evolved, with no intermediate forms known. In spite of extensive search of maize wild forms, none have been found. 
Maize is a native of South America.. From South America maize travelled to Asia including India. The maize is now grown in almost every state of India and extensively consumed in rural areas as staple food, it is also an important feed for the live stock.
Corn is consumed in different forms. Its flour is used for making chapattis. Powdered corn grain flour has a cooling effect on body.
Unbroken maize grains are processed in different ways. They are boiled and used for making many dishes. Most common among them is corn coup. Due to its high protein content it is a good appetizer and has high nourishment value.  Unbroken grains are also roasted over hot sand or burning coal. An average sized corn cob contains 9-10 % proteins, 73% carbohydrates, 4% fat and nearly 1.6% fibre. It also contains micro nutrients like Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Iron. It is also rich in Vitamin A,E, and B1. Maize has tremendous medicinal and nutritional value.
          Present day genetic engineers and scientists have developed genetically engineered maize strain capable of secreting human antibodies against cancer. These human antibodies produced in corn fields are under clinical trial.
          The Silky thread like extensions of corn provides household remedy for scanty and burning urine. It is prepared by boiling silky threads in water. Drinking this water provides an effective remedy for urinary infections corn.
          Eating maize bread and curd once a day, is good for patients suffering from dysentery.
Corn contains lot of fibre which makes the bowel action regular and protects us from constipation, piles, colon diseases and appendicitis.
          Corn is used for producing beer and has replaced barley for this purpose.
          Corn is rich in vitamin A and E hence serves as an antioxidant, which has free radical scavenging property and therefore retards aging process and prolongs healthy life.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Flowers of Love

Sham S. Misri                                                          
Every flower conveys some definite feelings.
The red Tulip and not the red Rose, is the one for your declaration of Love!
Chrysanthemum (White) stands for Truth.
Chrysanthemum (Red) stands for just Love.
Forget-me-not  for true love.
Lilac(Purple) for first love.
Tulip(Yellow) for hopeless love.
Basal for hatered.
Candytuft- for indifference.
Morning glory- for affection.
Sundrop- for hope.
Violet(Blue)-for faithfulness.
Violet(Yellow)-for Joy.
Lilac(White)-for innocence.
If you are going to see your boss, carry daffodils and never Lavenders. The first stands for regard and the second for distrust.

Ant and the Butterfly

Sham S.Misri

One day an ant came upon the cocoon and having come to know that a chrysalis is in the cocoon, began to feel sorry for the *chrysalis.
The ant said,”oh, you poor creature, you must be feeling like a prisoner inside the unkind shell! Look at me; I am free to move about wherever I wish!”
The chrysalis did not reply.
The ant thought it was feeling sad over its fate and went away.
Some days passed, the ant happened to pass the same way. The ant did not see the chrysalis there. In its place was an empty shell. The ant wondered what had happened to the poor creature, when all of a sudden the ant saw a beautiful butterfly with a pair of colourful wings, flying above him. The butterfly said, “Hi you ant, you don’t recognise me! I am the chrysalis you felt sorry for a few days ago. Just look at me now! I am free to wander wherever I wish. Not just on land, mind you, but everywhere at all!”
Saying so, the butterfly spread her beautiful wings and soared into the sky.
* When an insect, like butterfly, is in a stage between larva and adult, it is called chrysalis. The chrysalis lies in the cocoon, an outer protective covering. It is this chrysalis that changes into a butterfly.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Beautiful Priest

Sham S.Misri

Once, a young man was engaged in a king’s temple as a priest. One day he went to the market to buy some fruits. A group of people saw him and decided to pull his leg. One of them told him,” I have seen many priests but none as handsome as you!. If you are so beautiful your parents must be good looking too. Tell us all about yourself. Are you the child of your father or your mother?”
          The priest understood that the men were having fun at his expense. “I come from a poor family and so I don’t know how to answer your question. I don’t know whether I should feel honoured or embarrassed by your compliment. I really don’t know how to answer your question. Can I ask a question instead?”
          The leader nodded his head and the priest clapped his hands loudly.
“Please tell me which of my hands made the sound?” said the priest.” The right or the left”
“The sound was made by both the hands together!” said the leader.”The right or the left hand alone cannot make the sound.”
“That is right,” said the priest. “My reply to your question is also the same. I’m the child of both my parents and not of my father or of mother, alone. And so far my good looks, I think you should ask my parents!”
          The leader of the group felt ashamed. He shook hands with the young priest saying,”you are not only good looking but also very wise.”

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Nav Reh –Harbinger of Peace

Sham S. Misri
On the Nav-Reh of 23rd March, 2012, Mom (Sarla) and Dad (Bairaj) are at London and celebrate the festival here. With us are our daughter, son-in-law and our grand children. We being Kashmiri Pandits recall how we used to celebrate the day. Nav Reh is harbinger of peace and prosperity for us all. It is celebrated in every Kashmiri Pandits home on Amavasi, the last day of the year gone by. The day is celebrated with traditional gaiety and faith. We try to continue our tradition.
One day earlier to Nav-reh a thali or plate or any vessel is filled with paddy or rice. The New Year’s Panchang along with one of the pictures of any god or goddess (Maha Maya) is placed on the holy vessel. The vessel is decorated with spring flowers, Vhy (an herb), walnuts, inkpot, pen, salt, curds, cooked rice, and some currency. On the next day i.e. Nav-reh the eldest lady of the family gets up early in the morning and picks up the vessel in her hands and ensures that each and every member of the family first sees the ‘decorated thali' or the vessel with all the things, before their eyes catch sight of anything else on that day. This she does by entering all the rooms, early morning hours, where the family members are asleep. The family members on seeing the vessel carefully look at all the decorated items, kiss the pen, the picture of god or goddess, eat a grain of rice and put some money on the vessel. They prey to goddess to shower choicest blessings on mankind during the New Year. On this day we used to go to Hari Parbat, and to some gardens to enjoy almond blossoms. Whole day would be fun.
The Brahma Purana has mentioned that Brahma Ji created his universe under the supreme command of Maha Maya, hence the sanctity of the day is established and is celebrated in the whole of Bharat by Hindus.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Invention of the shoe

Sham S.Misri
A legend tells that long ago there lived a king in Madhya Pradesh, India. His name was Raja Bhim Singh. He was illiterate but clever and ruled with authority. The king was very fond of hunting.
One day it so happened that while Raja Bhim Singh was on one of his favourite hunting missions, a big thorn pierced into his foot. Raja Bhim Singh's foot bled. The courters were upset to see the king’s foot bleeding. They quickly removed the thorn, dressed up the wound and bandaged the king’s foot. Immediately thereafter, the courtiers suggested to the king that leather be spread over the roads and streets through which the king would move so that the same sad episode was not repeated.
The king readily agreed. A royal decree was issued that leather be spread on all the roads and streets over which the king used to walk.
The work of draping the roads and streets with leather began in full swing.
All the leather stocks in the kingdom got exhausted. When the news reached the king, he ordered   that all the animals be slaughtered to get more leather. Although the people felt outraged at this foolish order of the king, they felt helpless. Soon the stock of the domestic animals of the kingdom was exhausted. This was followed by killing wild animals so much so that even the forest was depleted of the animals.
          As luck would have it, the king’s spiritual priest happened to visit the city. This was done at the intervention of the people. On seeing the roads having been draped with leather he enquired about the reason there for. The king’s priest was informed about the thorn episode. Realising the king’s folly, he atone set for the Raj Mahal, the King’s palace.
 The king received his priest with open arms and after welcome formalities were over, the priest initiated the discussion about the huge loss of the animals and the consequences that would follow.
The king proudly told him that this had been done So that no thorn would ever harm, his feet again. In the heart of his hearts the high priest pitied the king. He thought for a while and then in a serious tone he told the king about the foolishness of the whole idea that was going to affect the very survival of the people. The priest came out with a suggestion and it was that the king would cover his feet with two small patches of leather, one each foot, to prevent them from any injury. This led to the birth of a shoe. Over the period of time many designs of the shoe came into form.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Maharaja Hari Singh Writes to Lord Mountbatten on the eve of "Pak invasion" on J&K in 1947

Letter from Maharaja Hari Singh to Lord Mountbatten on the eve of "Pak invasion" on J&K in 1947

Sham S. Misri

My dear Lord Mountbatten,
I have to inform Your Excellency that a grave emergency has arisen in my State and request the immediate assistance of your Government. As Your Excellency is aware, the State of Jammu and Kashmir has not acceded to either the Dominion of India or Pakistan. Geographically my State is contiguous with both of them. Besides, my State has a common boundary with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and with China. In their external relations the Dominion of India and Pakistan cannot ignore this fact. I wanted to take time to decide to which Dominion I should accede or whether it is not in the best interests of both the Dominions and of my State to stand independent, of course with friendly and cordial relations with both. I accordingly approached the Dominions of India and Pakistan to enter into standstill agreement with my State. The Pakistan Government accepted this arrangement. The Dominion of India desired further discussion with representatives of my Government. I could not arrange this in view of the developments indicated below. In fact the Pakistan Government under the standstill agreement is operating the post and telegraph system inside the State. Though we have got a standstill agreement with the Pakistan Government, the Government permitted a steady and increasing strangulation of supplies like food, salt and petrol to my State.
Afridis, soldiers in plain clothes, and desperado’s with modern weapons have been allowed to infiltrate into the State, at first in the Poonch area, then from Sia1kot and finally in a mass in the area adjoining-Hazara district on the Ramkote side. The result has been that the limited number of troops at the disposal of the State had to be dispersed and thus had to face the enemy at several points simultaneously, so that it has become difficult to stop the wanton destruction of life ad property and the looting of the Mahura power house, which supplies electric current to the whole of Srinagar and which has been burnt. The number of women who have been kidnapped and raped makes my heart bleed. The wild forces thus let loose on the State are marching on with the aim of capturing Srinagar, the summer capital of my government, as a first step to overrunning the whole State. The mass infiltration of tribesman drawn from distant areas of the North-West Frontier Province, coming regularly in motor trucks, using the Manwehra-Mazaffarabad road and fully armed with up-to-date weapons, cannot possibly be done without the knowledge of the Provincial Government of the North-West Frontier Province and the Government of Pakistan. In spite of repeated appeals made by my Government no attempt has been made to check these raiders or to stop them from coming into my State. In fact, both radio and the Press of Pakistan have reported these occurrences. The Pakistan radio even put out the story that a provisional government has been set up in Kashmir. The people of my State, both Muslims and non-Muslims, generally have taken no part at all.
With the conditions obtaining at present in my State and the great emergency of the situation as it exists, I have no option but to ask for help from the Indian Dominion. Naturally they cannot send the help asked for by me without my State acceding to the Dominion of India. I have accordingly decided to do so, and I attach the instrument of accession for acceptance by your Government. The other alternative is to leave my state and people to free booters. On this basis no civilized government can exist or be maintained.
This alternative I will never allow to happen so long as I am the ruler of the State and I have life to defend my country. I may also inform your Excellency's Government that it is my intention at once to set up an interim government and to ask Sheikh Abdullah to carry the responsibilities in this emergency with my Prime Minister.
If my State is to be saved, immediate assistance must be available at Srinagar. Mr. V.P. Menon is fully aware of the gravity of the situation and will explain it to you, if further explanation is needed.
In haste and with kindest regards,
Yours sincerely,
Hari Singh
October 26, 1947

Reply from Lord Mountbatten to Maharaja Hari Singh

My dear Maharaja Sahib,
Your Highness' letter dated 26 October 1947 has been delivered to me by Mr. V.P. Menon. In the circumstances mentioned by Your Highness, my Government has decided to accept the accession of Kashmir State to the Dominion of India. In consistence with their policy that in the case of any State where the issue of accession has been the subject of dispute, the question of accession should be decided in accordance with the wishes of the people of the State, it is my Government's wish that, as soon as law and order have been restored in Kashmir and its soil cleared of the invader, the question of the State's accession should be settled by a reference to the people.
Meanwhile, in response to Your Highness' appeal for military aid, action has been taken today to send troops of the Indian Army to Kashmir, to help your own forces to defend your territory and to protect the lives, property, and honor of your people. My Government and I note with satisfaction that Your Highness has decided to invite Sheikh Abdullah to form an interim Government to work with your Prime Minister.
Mountbatten of Burma
October 27, 1947

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

An American Visits India

Sham S .Misri
Once an American visited India. He was a great show off. While conducting tour of India he made a silly remark to embarrass the guide and the the host country. When he reached Qutab Minar in Delhi, the guide told him that it took eight years to built this tall monument.. The American showed surprise and said, “In America it would not take us more than six months to build such a structure!” They then went to see Taj Mahal in Agra. The guide then told the American that it took Shahjahan twenty long years to complete it with thousands of men working at daily.
The American took a sigh, twenty years is a long time. Our engineers wouldn’t take more than two years to recreate this, and we would probably employ a couple of hundred people.” Moving further the guide showed him fort in Jaipur and the American passed some remark and the guide was completely fed up. Reaching back to Lotus temple in Delhi, the guide told the driver to keep driving. He did not even look at that side.
The pompous American asked the guide, hey, you did not tell me how many years it took to make this marble lotus temple.
The guide turned sideways and looked at the temple with a surprise. “My God, that is unbelievable, this huge marble temple was not there last night: no wonder I missed it.”
The American now wanted to have shaved and so went to a barber. Sitting on a barber’s chair, he began criticising the Indian system of General practitioners, as he had been taken to one, when he complained of bad stomach- after having eaten Cholle Puri.
“In America, “ he boasted, “we have specialists for every part of body.” He talked about orthodontists, endodontists...Etc rather than only a dental surgeon in backward India. The barber who was quietly listening to the American was busy in working up lather for the shave. He just put the brush down and wiped out his hands, removed the towel and seriously said, “That will be all sir, I am specialist for softening the skin. The guy across the road handles the razor.”
Next the American had to address some Indian school children. He said, “You know, the lights in our stadium are so powerful  “It is just like sunlight..”
“Really? that bright!” Exclaimed the children.
“Well, almost,  may be a couple of lumens less,” said the American.
“Our submarines” he went on ,” go so deep, they touch the bottom of the sea.”
“Really? That deep.” Asked the Indian children.
“Well, almost, may be a couple of inches above.” Was the reply from the American.
Hearing all this, one of the  Indian child stood up and said,”You know, in India  we can eat from the nose.”
“:Really?” this time it was the American’s turn to be shocked.
“Well, almost may be a couple of inches below.” Answered the Indian. 

Phenomenal research on Cockroach

Phenomenal research on Cockroach

Sham S. Misri

Bob  got tired of being the butt of jokes and decided to do his PhD. Bob was looking out for a unique subject to write his thesis when he saw a cockroach. Bob placed the cockroach on the table and cut one of its legs. Then he said "WALK". The cockroach moved forward. Then Bob cut its second leg and commanded "WALK". The cockroach managed to move forward. Then Bob cut its third leg and commanded "WALK". The cockroach managed to wriggle forward on one leg. Finally Bob cut its fourth leg and said "WALK". The poor cockroach could not move and lay helplessly on the table.
Bob repeats the same with over 100 cockroaches. He finds that the results in all his experiments match.
Bob is jubilant, "NOW" says Bob "My Thesis is ready” and proceeds to write it the synopsis. "WHEN YOU CUT FOUR LEGS OF A COCKROACH IT BECOMES DEAF"

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kakkar Khan

Kakkar Khan

Sham S. Misri

The Afghan rule in Kashmir (1753-1820), which continued for 67 years was probably the worst ever seen by the inhabitants of the valley. The Muslims invited the Afghans to take over the administration of the valley. This was perhaps the greatest blunder that the Kashmiris did.

Afghan Governors of Kashmir reigned with terror. People began to be looted and killed indiscriminately. Petty Afghan soldiers began to amass wealth by the foulest means. Most of the well to do people of the valley were summoned by the Governor to his palace, and ordered to surrender all their wealth on pain of death. Their houses were completely sacked, and many people were put to sword. There was complete gloom and despair on every side. All the prosperity of the valley was gone, and the people could not even move on the streets, for fear of being robbed of even their scanty clothing.

 Kashmiri’s never imagined that all the beauty and nobility for which Kashmir and its people were known throughout the world would be ruthlessly wiped off under their rule. A Kashmiri poet has lamented this as: I enquired of the gardener the cause of the destruction of the garden. Drawing a deep sigh he replied, “It is the Afghans who did it”! Kashmiris got a rude shock when they witnessed the first acts of barbarity at the hands of Afghans.
There are many stories about Afghan rule; one such popular story among the people of the valley is as follows.
It is said that a delegation of Kashmiris went to Kabul to request the King for a merciful governor. He asked them to choose any of his wazirs sitting in his court. They pointed towards an elderly pious man with white flowing beard, thinking that the old man would be god fearing. The King readily agreed and sent Kakkar Khan with them. They brought him in a procession to Kashmir. As they were about to reach Srinagar a funeral was passing by. The governor asked them to stop. Kashmiris were happy thinking the pious man might offer homage (fateh) to the departed soul. On the contrary he asked them to open the coffin and bit the ear of the deceased and shouted, “Tell the dead in the next world that Kakkar Khan has arrived in Kashmir!”

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Woodcutter and the Snake

Sham S. Misri
Somebody killed a snake, but he did not cut or burn the body, he simply beat it.  But snakes, if they are not completely destroyed, can revive themselves by air.  So again this snake came back to life.  One day a wood cutter saw that snake looking badly beaten, and he took pity.  He took the snake home and gave him some milk.  And one day, when the snake was strong, he raised himself and hissed at the woodcutter.  The woodcutter thought, “Oh, I gave you milk and brought you back to life, and now you are trying to attack me?”  So he cut him into pieces.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rasool Lonun Soun ( Gold)

Sham S. Misri
There was a man. He was very simple in living and thoughts. His name was Rasool Lone. One day when he was walking on the road side two ladies met him. Both were sad, depressed and gloomy. They told him, “O brother, Do you have any silver with you?  We will make
For further reading and the collection of more stories visit

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Achilles Heel

Sham S. Misri
When Achilles mother gave birth to a child, she wanted to make him immortal. He was fed on the intestines of lions and wild boars and the marrow of bears, and named him Achilles [lipless] - because he had not applied his lips to a breast. In Greek mythology, Achilles was very handsome of the heroes who fought against Troy.
Achilles was the mightiest of the Greeks who fought in the Trojan War. When Achilles was a boy, a saint visited their house. He prophesied that the city of Troy could not be taken without his help. The mother knew that, if her son went to Troy, he would die an early death. So, she sent him outside the house to be hidden. He was disguised as a young girl. During his stay he had an affair with landlord’s daughter, and she had a son, by him. Achilles' disguise did not remain a secret for long.  He was decorated with arms and armor.  Achilles was fascinated by the swords and shields. Achilles then went willingly to Troy. He had many of his friends with him, and was also accompanied by his tutor and some close friends. At Troy, Achilles distinguished himself as an undefeatable warrior. He captured twenty-three towns in Trojan territory, including some important town. He took many women as a war-prize. Later on these women were taken away from Achilles. He became enraged and refused to fight for the Greeks any further. The war went badly, and the Greeks offered many prizes and awards to their greatest warrior; Achilles still refused to fight in person, but he agreed to allow his friend to fight in his place, wearing his armor. The next day, his friend was killed and stripped of the armor by the Trojan hero who mistook him for Achilles.
Achilles was overwhelmed with grief for his friend and was full of rage at the murderer. His mother obtained magnificent new armor for him and he returned to the fighting and killed the murderer. He desecrated the body, dragging it behind his chariot before the walls of Troy, and refused to allow it to receive funeral rites.
Achilles' days were now numbered. He continued fighting heroically, killing many of the Trojans and their allies. Finally Achilles was wounded in the heel with an arrow; Achilles died of the wound. After his death, it was decided to award Achilles' divinely-wrought armor to the bravest of the Greeks.
 During his lifetime, Achilles is also said to have had a number of romantic episodes.        

Legends state that Achilles was safe in all of his body except for his heel. As he died because of a small wound on his heel, the term Achilles' heel has come to mean a person's principal weakness. An Achilles' heel is somebody's weak spot. Achilles was a mighty warrior who was killed by arrow wound in to the foot.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Khosh Pourich Houne

Sham S. Misri
Khoshpur and Damhal are the two villages of Brang in the valley of Kashmir. The two villages lie side by side to each other. The River Brang that flows there separates the two villages. The two villages are connected by a bridge.
          It is said that in the village of Khoshpur, there lived a short and stout dog (a bitch). This bitch would visit the houses of both the villages, and the people would give her some food to eat. This way she would fill her belly. One morning, a woman of village Khoshpur came out with a big bowl of cooked food in her hand, and began to call the bitch by uttering the words kooch, kooch. That time the bitch was in Damhal village. Hearing this call, the bitch would come running and running for the food. When the bitch would reach the Damhal Bridge, again she would hear a call of kooch, kooch from the bridge. There also, a woman would come out with a bowl of food in her hand and was calling kooch kooch. The bitch turned, and began to run back towards the bridge. Now again, from the village of Khoshpur, there was a call of kooch kooch for the bitch. The bitch turned back again and came towards Khoshpur.
Then again from the Damhal side there was a call of kooch kooch.  When the bitch listens the call from Khoshpur side she moves to that side, and when she hears the call from the Damhal side she moves to that side. All along this time, while she ran from one village to another village, she got tired, she was dead tired. She fell on the ground with froth coming out of her mouth, and she died.
When somebody hopes to get something from several places, but will not stick to one place, and that too will undergo a loss;
 We say, “Amis Gaye Khosh Purich Houne.”
Which translates as: “She has become a bitch of Khoshpur.”

Monday, March 12, 2012

Clever Monkey and the Monster

Sham S.Misri
Long back a monster lived in a lake. Whenever any animal came to drink water, the monster would come out of the lake, catch him, and draw him down by force.
A group of monkeys once came to the lake to drink water. The monkeys were all thirsty. From the group of monkeys one monkey was very clever. He saw that from the many animals that went to the lake   none returned. He was suspicious and worried. He gave strict orders that no one was to drink water from the lake until he gave the word. So, the monkeys now waited by the waters of the lake, impatient, but thirsty.
The monster was very greedy and wanted to eat the monkeys. He popped up from the lake and said in a low and gentle voice “Why do you not drink? I live in this lake and I tell you that the water is pure, cool, and sweet. Drink! my friends, drink.”
“No, replied the clever monkey “your wishes will not be fulfilled. What do you mean?” asked the monster.
“You won’t be able to catch us. We will drink the water of the lake and yet not fall into your clutches.”
“How will you do that?” said the monster “You will see,” replied the clever monkey. The monkeys then plucked reeds from the marshes and drank the water through the reeds. Thus was the monster frustrated.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Akis gom zah; methar gam shethar; kawas gayam kukil.

Akis gom zah; methar gam shethar; kawas gayam kukil.
One became two; friends became enemies; the crow became a dove.
Sham S. Misri
In a village in Kashmir there lived two fast friends. They were friends from the very childhood. One friend belonged to a rich family and his name was Karim Haput, while the other belonged to a poor family and his name was Hassan Pacha. The two friends read together in the same school and would help each other in their studies. When they had to appear in the tenth class examination, Hassan Pacha, the poor boy managed to pass while his rich friend failed in the examination. Hassan Pacha, the poor friend felt very bad at the failure of Karim Haput, his rich friend. However, the Hasan Pacha, the poor boy moved to the city where he got some job with some minister. Karim Haput his rich friend stayed in the village and joined some business.
After many years, Karim Haput, the rich friend moved to the city in connection with some business. He knew his friend was living in the city. He searched for his old friend, Hasan Pacha, and finally found out where he lived. He went to his home and there he met the parents of Hassan Pacha. Hasan Pasha’s father would wit on the road side, keep a gunny bag beneath him on which he would keep some sheep legs to sell. By selling the legs of sheep and goats, he would earn some money to make his ends meet. Sine Hassan Pachas father was selling the sheep legs or goat legs he was given the name Pacha. Hassan Pachas old poor parents recognized Karim Haput, the old rich friend of their son. They asked Karim Haput to stay till their son would come from the duty. Karim Haput’s father was dealing in fur trade. It is said that Karim Haput’s father had killed some black animal which he called as “Bear”-in Kashmir Haput, hence the nick name Karim Haput. Now Karim Haput enquired about the welfare of his old friends old parents.
The old man’s reply to him was;

Akis gom zah;  methar gam shethar; kawas gayam kukil.
One became two; friends became enemies; the crow became a dove.
The meaning is that a staff was now "part and parcel" of him; that his teeth had deserted him; and that
His raven-black hair had turned grey

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Woman’s Half Pomegranate

Sham S Misri
 Once Lord Buddha fixed a day for collections of charity. He sat under a tree and began receiving gifts.  One King came and gave him deeds of lands, houses, and valuable properties. Then a Prince came with rich and valuable gifts. Wealthy merchants also .came and Buddha accepted all their gifts by extending his right hand in token thereof.
Then an old, shriveled woman came and said to him, “Lord, I heard about your appeal for charity only this morning. I am a poor old woman and have nothing. I was eating this pomegranate, and had eaten half when I heard the news. I had nothing else to give but this half pomegranate. So I brought it along. Please, Lord, accept this.”
She looked at him appealingly. Buddha at once came down himself and accepted the gift with both hands, in deep gratitude.
The kings and princes , and all who were there were immensely surprised. “O Blessed one,” asked one king , “why did you receive her gift with both hands, coming down yourself from your dais, when you took our gifts merely by extending your right hand?”
”Buddha replied, “she gave her all. The rest of you merely gave a fraction of what you have.”