Friday, March 30, 2012

Matter and its kinds-Everything’s related

Sham S. Misri
Everything in the universe is made up of either Matter or Energy. Matter is everything that takes up space. It is made up of tiny particles called atoms and molecules that are so small they can only be seen with powerful microscopes. No matter how big or small, matter has mass- it can be weighed even if it is as light as a feather.
Matter has three common states: Solids liquids and gases.
A solid has a hard or firm surface. It has a fixed volume. It can hold its shape.
A liquid is fluid and can flow freely. It will take the shape of whatever contains it.
A gas has no shape or volume. It will expand indefinitely.
Here on Earth, we find an excellent example of water - which we can see existing in all three states. Sometimes the state of matter is determined by temperature. For instance, water is liquid at temperatures between 320 F and 2120 F. It consists of 2 atoms of Hydrogen bonded to 1 atom of Oxygen. Under normal conditions, we call this stuff ice when it’s below 320 F. When water is boiled above 2120 F it becomes steam, which is a gas.
At very high temperatures, the bonds between atoms of Hydrogen and Oxygen are torn apart and the substance is no longer steam, i.e. water, it’s just hydrogen and oxygen as separate gases.
In extraordinary ranges of temperature and pressure we find across the universe, matter can take forms and behave in ways that might seem strange.
On Mars, for example, there is very little atmosphere, and thus very little air pressure. Under these conditions, water goes directly from the solid state (ice) to the gaseous state(water vapor) without passing through the liquid state. Hence there are no rivers and lakes on Mars today. We call this process sublimation. The stuff moth balls are made of does  this on Earth{they just do not leave any little puddle in the cupboards.

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