Sunday, February 26, 2012

Baucis and Philemon

Baucis and Philemon

(An old couple and the God)

Sham S. Misri

(A Greek Myth)
Long time ago in a town in Greece, there lived a couple who loved each other dearly. Their names were Baucis and Philemon. They were very poor. One day an old beggar appeared at their door. He had been turned away by all their neighbors, but when the couple saw him, they were filled with pity. “Come inside” they said.  “ We haven’t  much,  but what we have  is yours.”  All they had to eat was a loaf of bread, and some eggs and some carrots. They put the plate before the old man and told him to eat as much as he could, until he was full. The filled his cup with last juice of orange juice that they had.  After the old man had finished  eating     they wrapped a warm cloth around the old man. “We wish there were more to give you.” they said.” But as you can see we  are a poor couple and our cupboards are empty.”
The beggar smiled, and said, ”No, you go and see again in your almirahs.”
The couple went and opened their cupboards. They were shocked when they saw their cupboards full of all delicacies, and all the foods, and juices to drink. Before they could  say anything, they realized they were no longer dressed in tattered clothes. They found themselves dressed up in fine dresses. The house they were living had changed to a beautiful big house, it looked like a palace.  Most surprisingly, the beggar with them was none other than the god Zeus, the king  of gods.  Then the god said, “It is for all the kindness you showed to me. Your kindness shall be rewarded. Ask whatever you want and your wish will be fulfilled.”
The poor couple said,” We have been poor all along our lives, but we have loved each other. We have known love only. Please grant that we may have never to live one without the other.”
The couple lived the rest of their lives in luxury. They never knew hunger again. One day when they had become quite old, they were not at all surprised when suddenly they started to sprout leaves. They embraced each other as their arms became branches , and bark grew around them. “Thank you, Zeus,” they said as they turned into trees, for he had granted their wish.
Hundreds of years afterwards people still  marveled at their trees , for though one was a linden and the other was an oak , they both grow from a single trunk.

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