S. Misri
Lassa Magray lived at the foot of a hill in a
thatched hut. The hut was all made of wooden planks. One day he went for an
evening walk before it was sunset. While
walking along the foothill of the mountain he came across a big round stone
boulder. He came near the boulder, and looked around. He was amazed to see some
ten to twelve eggs lying on one side beside the rock. He was extremely happy
and thought for a while. He got tempted and collected all the eggs in his shirt
clothing that he was wearing. With the eggs in his torn shirt he went home.
When he reached home, he showed the eggs to his wife. His wife told him, “I was
also wondering where our hen was laying the eggs, Infarct, these are the eggs
of our hen“.
Our hen may be searching for these eggs, as
she is moving fast here and there making a peculiar sound of ‘coo’ ‘ coo’
meaning there by that she wants to hatch the eggs. The wife proposed to her
husband to keep these eggs in the chicken coop for the hen to incubate. The
husband agreed quietly. Days passed and the eggs hatched. Fine chicks emerged. The wife and the husband
thought that the new born chicks be kept safe.
When they grew a little, Lassa Magarey thought of taking the chick’s to the
same boulder where from he had picked up the eggs. He had seen that the area
near the boulder was full of tall trees. With this idea, he thought that the
chicks would not fall prey to vultures, kites as the area was covered with
forest trees. All plans were set to shift the chicks. In a short while, to the surprise of both all
the chicks flew away. The hen remained there alone to make the peculiar sound
Coo, Coo, running here and there.
Lassa Magray felt sad. He told his wife,” In
reality we are ourselves responsible for all this, as, we could not recognize
the eggs. The eggs belonged to wild geese.”
When we do not get the desired things that we hope
to get, we say
,” Aath gaye Lassa
Magray sunz koker”
Meaning there by;
has become Lassa Magray’s hen .
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