Sham S. Misri
A healthy
diet consists of a variety of foods, because different foods contain different
things that our body needs. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are vital for energy or growth. They are
called nutrients. Vitamins , minerals, and water are also important as they
help our body to work properly.
give energy. There are two types; Sugars and starches. Sugars are found in
fruits, cake, and other sweet foods. They give quick energy. Starch is found in
bread , potatoes, and rice. The energy it produces lasts much longer.
fiber, also known as roughage, is a type of carbohydrate found in bran, whole
wheat bread, fruit, and vegetables. Fiber cannot be digested by humans , but it
is bulky, so it helps the muscles of intestines to move food efficiently
through the digestive system.
Proteins are
used for growth and repair of body tissue. They are found in meat, fish, eggs,
nuts, milk, and beans. Proteins are like building blocks.
Fats are
needed by the body for energy and warmth. Unused fats are stored in various
areas of body, such as under the skin. Fats are of two types; saturated fats
and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are mostly found in animal products, e.g.
butter, fatty meat. These fats also contain cholesterol, a fat like substance.
Unsaturated fats are found in non-animal products, including vegetables, oils,
and nuts. Besides this, the body needs
fat to produce the hormones- Cholesterol is metabolized in liver. Olive
oil, almonds, and walnuts are good fats.
The Foods that can reduce belly fat are the Avocados, Cinnamon, and Eggs. fish, Salmon, Cod, and Tilapia. Etc.Omega -3
makes the nervous system function better. Sex is about circuitry. From erection
standpoint, anything that is good for heart is good for penis.
watermelon, berries should be part of regular diet. Berries have a profound
effect against age related diseases including heart diseases, diabetes, mental
decline, cancer, as they contain antioxidants and noninflammatory properties.
Soy is beneficial for prostrate.
keep the body healthy. They are found in wide variety of foods. A balanced ,
healthy diet gives body all the vitamins it needs. Body needs tiny amounts of
nearly 15 different vitamins for essential chemical processes to take place.
are important to keep a good body. The body needs small
amounts of nearly twenty different minerals in all. Trace minerals, such as
iron, are needed in extremely small quantities. Knol khol (Kohlrabi) is rich in
Ca, Fe, and Vitamin A, B1, B2 Niacin,
and vitamin C. Multivitamins and minerals help. Both improve
neurological function and good circulation. Vitamin- D bones teeth and skin.
Guava (Amrood) is very good for stomach rich source of vit.A,B,C.; Pomegranates contain high levels of several different poly -phenol antioxidants-which are not found in any food.
Guava (Amrood) is very good for stomach rich source of vit.A,B,C.; Pomegranates contain high levels of several different poly -phenol antioxidants-which are not found in any food.
Ginger is
good for stomach, and arthritis; While
Garlic good for heart and lowers triglycerides.
“ Turmeric is the spice of Life”; Pepper
improves circulation; Regular use of cinnamon lowers Blood sugar and
“ To eat
vegetables” is a timeless prescription-Radish, Cabbage, Celery, and Onion,
Greens, and Broccoli. The Broccoli is high in fiber and has cholesterol
lowering effects. It is also rich in sulfur compounds, which are good for liver
and strengthens body’s natural detoxification system.
is vital for life. Without it, one cannot survive for a few days. We need water
to replace what we lose in urine and sweat. About 65 % of our body weight is
water. Drink eight glasses of water early morning, empty stomach. Do not
anything for 45 minutes.
Red wine raises good cholesterol
and reduces the bad kind. An antioxidant in grape skins , reduces the impact of
bad cholesterol, which in turn reduces the
risk of cardio vascular disease. Polyphenols in Coffee is number one
source of antioxidant and is associated with lower incidence of dementia,
Parkinson ’s disease, and types two
Eat for your blood type:
A: Have carbohydrates, play golf, and Have
vegetarian diet with fresh organic foods. Avoid heavy proteins.
B: Drink half liter of milk per day, Milk actually helps control weight ,
since, calcium binds with fat in the food digesting in the gut, meaning that
one absorbs less of that fat. No significance difference between skim, low fat,
and whole milk-when it comes to weight control. Go for a hike, Avoid peanuts, lentils,
and corns.
AB: Combination of diet for group A and B.
O: Take high proteins, Should run.
To make breakfast diet;
one cup of soy milk add one fourth cup orange juice and one fourth cup of orange juice. To this
add one cup of blue berries, plus one teaspoon of any protein powder and fresh
handful spinach. Put ingredients in blender and enjoy.
Running is
the most ideal exercise for staying healthy and fit. It is just about anyone
can do, and is not hard to get started. Running also burns calories while
giving the heart and legs a great workout. The best part about running is that
it can be done anywhere. Whether in gym, on the side walk, or at the beach, all
that is needed is a pair of running shoes to get moving. It is a fun, one
should give a try, and feel good after the running. There should be a balance
between diet and exercise.
Calories consumed =Calories burned.
Do brisk walking for twenty minutes. One hour of low impact aerobic burns
365 calories- Not bad!
A good diet Model:
Grains =30%
Proteins= 20%
*My doctor
advised me to Use Aspirin, You Consult
your doctor.
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