Saturday, April 20, 2024



Style means manner. A cricketer's style is the way he bats or bowls. When we speak of a speaker's style as being eloquent or humdrum, we mean that he speaks in an eloquent or in a humdrum way. So literary style is simply a manner of writing, and the style of an author is simply his manner of writing his peculiar way of expressing his thoughts in words.

"Style is the man" encapsulates the essence of individuality and character expressed through one's mannerisms, performance, and choices. It reflects not just what one wears, but how they wear it, embodying a unique blend of personality, taste, and confidence. From the tricky merits of posture to the bold statements of fashion, style is the canvas upon which a person paints their identity, signalling their values, aspirations, and experiences to the world. It's the art of self-expression, where every detail, from the curve of a smile to the cut of a suit, speaks volumes about the individual within. In this way, style becomes not just a mode of presentation, but a mirror reflecting the depth and complexity of the human spirit.

Every distinguished writer has a style of his own; for style is a personal matter. No two people are exactly alike; so, when a man speaks or writes, he expresses himself, and no one else. This is what the French writer, Buffon, meant when he said, -" The style is the man."

"A writer's style is as distinctive as his walk, his mode of dress or his habits"-and, we may add, his handwriting. A hundred boys may learn to write from the same copybook in the same school; yet in the end they will write so diversely that it will not require a handwriting expert to tell the difference between them. For example, Thomas Carlyle's style was rugged because Carlyle himself was a rough character; and the even-tempered and clear-headed Addison naturally wrote in a smooth, lucid, and equable manner. A firm grasp of this truth will save young writers from slipping into two fatal errors. One is the mistaken idea that style is something added. to plain writing by way of ornament. Young writers too often think that, to give their compositions "style", they must decorate them with eloquent phrases, ornate metaphors, flowery language, and other flourishes. This is all wrong. It is like plastering the natural face with paint and powder. The first rule for the formation of a writer's style is that he must be himself. The other mistake is mimicry-trying to imitate the style of some great writers. For two reasons this is a mistake. First, because it cannot be done. You may learn to imitate the styles of Modi, Lamb, Carlyle, Macaulay, or Stevenson, but you will capture only their mannerisms while missing their essential qualities. Secondly, because adopting another man's style is like wearing another man's clothes. They will neither fit nor suit you. Your style must be the natural expression of your own, not of another's, personality. Study the styles of good authors, for you should know not only what a good writer says, but also how he says it. But study that, not to mimic his method of self-expression, but to learn how to better express yourself.

"Style is the man" encapsulates the notion that an individual's manner of expression, whether through attire, speech, or behaviours, reflects their character and personality. It suggests that one's style is not merely superficial adornment but rather a window into their inner self. Just as a well-tailored suit can convey confidence and refinement, or a carefully chosen phrase can reveal intelligence and wit, our choices in presentation speak volumes about who we are. Thus, cultivating a unique and authentic style becomes not only a matter of aesthetics but also a means of self-expression and identity. In essence, "style is the man" implies that how we present ourselves to the world is inseparable from who we truly are.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Simplifying Leadership: Embrace Authenticity Over Ideology

 Simplifying Leadership: Embrace Authenticity Over Ideology

In the pursuit of effective leadership, it's vital not to let fear and greed dictate your path. Instead, focus on authenticity and genuine vision.

1.     Avoid Ideological Traps

Great Ideologies Can Lead to Great Confusion. Gautam Buddha's teachings emphasize this point. Rather than burdening followers with rigid ideologies, he encouraged a journey towards inner freedom. Many original spiritual paths echo this sentiment, prioritizing personal growth over dogma. Buddha used to say that courage is one of the primary things required for a person on the path: whether a person is a warrior or a householder, a businessman, a leader in the political sphere, or a monk, courage is essential. Courage cannot be called an ideology, rather courage is a basic human virtue. So, always choose human virtues and not ideology.

The destructive thing which ideology does is that it inflates the ego of the followers apart from the leaders. They start feeling great just by belonging to a particular community or circle. But they don't realize that they are being burdened with something artificial. What helps humanity is the ability to work with ease with others. And to work with ease with others, we must drop ideologies. Otherwise, there is only conflict. Now, how do you work smoothly with others? You can do so when you put your ideologies aside and concentrate on human virtues. And together as individuals, you join your virtues as a team and then you move toward fulfilling a plan.

2.     Discover Your Unique Vision

Each person holds something special within them. By sharing your authentic vision with others, you naturally attract like-minded individuals. Your vision doesn't need to be groundbreaking; it just needs to reflect your true beliefs and values.

3.     Inspire Through Clarity and Positivity

Leadership is about inspiration. By clarifying your beliefs and values, you naturally inspire others. Fear and greed, common tools of neurotic leadership, only lead to chaos and dissatisfaction in the long run.

4.     Avoid Falling Prey to Ideological Fantasies

Historically, ideologies like Marxism, communism, or fascism have promised utopia, a paradise, but always fall short. People may become enchanted by these dreams, but they ultimately lead to confusion and disappointment. Perfection is elusive because humans are inherently imperfect.

5.     Embrace Inner and Outer Transformation

A great leader not only works towards a better world externally but also cultivates peace and growth within themselves. This balance is essential for long-term success in leadership and life.

By prioritizing authenticity over ideology, we pave the way for genuine connection, growth, and lasting impact.