Saturday, June 20, 2015

Yoga Day-21st June

Yoga Day-21st June

Sham S. Misri

In the remote 14th century and in an obscure part of the history of Kashmir there lived Lal Ded (Lalleshwari) during the period 1320 to 1390. In her lifetime she came to be recognized as a goddess, a seer, who had descended upon this earth with a divine message for mankind. Her vakhs confirm and establish that she engaged herself with the common yogic-practices to calm her mind which was deeply agitated and extremely disturbed. In some vakhs she completely refers to regular practice of yoga for concentration and purification of mind, thus enabling herself to go over to other levels of Yoga.
One day I began feeling tired. I had trouble sleeping as my thoughts would disturb me. My digestion was suffering. I always seemed to be bloated after eating and generally felt uncomfortable.  Life carried on like this. I tried various other medicines, but these only seemed temporary solutions. Finally, by chance my doctor recommended some yoga practices which he had started himself some time earlier. I started practising yoga early mornings without fail for the first month. I remember waking up one morning and waiting for the deep sense of anxiety in my stomach to begin as usual but something felt different. I got out of my bed and walked around the house lawn, a different sensation had begun in my feelings. I sat down on my couch my eyes started to fill up as I realised –perhaps the practice of yoga was working. My health improved, my digestive problem disappeared, and I started having more energy and feeling lighter. I always sleep peacefully and wake up fresh and feeling calm with a clear mind.
People often question why yoga and why not other physical exercise? The answer to this was found thousands of years ago by ancient yogis, who had a deep understanding of man’s essential nature and what he needed to live in harmony with himself and his environment. Yoga is complete science of life- it unites the mind, body and the spirit.
Anybody can practice yoga. One does not need special equipment or clothes. All one needs is a small quiet space and a yearning for a healthier, quieter health. Regular practice of yoga gives a fit and beautiful body, increases ones energy and vitality, reduces stress and increases ones powers of concentration and discipline. Unlike other physical exercises, Yoga is gentle. It does not involve use of rough, intense movements that could cause injury and fatigue. The yoga poses or ‘asanas’ stretch and tone the muscles, joints, the spine and the entire skeletal system. With regular practice, one experiences improved mental power and deeper concentration. This is not so with other forms of physical exercise.

It has been my honour to write this and hope whoever is reading this now will take the next step for endless happiness.

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