Thursday, May 31, 2012

Anim sui, wavum sui, lajum sui, panasui. (Ingratitude).

Anim sui, wavum sui, lajum sui, panasui.
I brought the nettle, I sowed it, and then the nettle stung me.
Sham S. Misri 
Kashmir called the Rishi Vaar is famous for saints, fakirs and holy men. In olden times there was a famous fakir in Kashmir, who punished himself in a unique manner.He uprooted a stinging nettle (Sui), and fixing some mud upon the palm of his hand, planted the nettle therein. All the day and all the night for several years he held out his hand with the palm uppermost, and the nettle in it. The plant grew and was strong and by reason of this, thousands of Hindus used to visit the fakir, and give him alms. The fakir had a disciple, who
eventually became very jealous of the honor which his master received. One day in a fit of anger, he hit the nettle, earth and all, out of his master's hand.The saint was upset. 
The fakir then spoke the above saying concerning both the nettle and his disciple, whom
he had brought up and nourished from his infancy.

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