Saturday, May 19, 2012

Rupee Attracts Rupee

Sham S. Misri

One day a very poor man was walking on the road. He was a pauper. When this pauper got his first rupee he was very cheerful. He said to himself people call me a pauper, I think I am not. With this thought he went straight to the cash-window of the nearby treasury, and dangled his sparkling coin there. Looking to the cashier he said," Hello, you see, I had been told that a rupee attracts rupee and hoped to pull more shiny coins to my rupee. It, you know, is my only coin rupee. It pulled none." He dangled it a little and it fell tinkering away and lay well protected in the cashiers lap. “But I had been told that a rupee attracts rupee.” cried the penniless pauper man in dismay.
“It does! My dear it does!”  Replied the cashier. “The rupee heap attracts every stray rupee, that beggars like you may come by. “Yes when it comes to rupee, the laws of magnetism act in the reverse gear.

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